Saint Nell

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Usual Disclaimer: Own nothing, not making any money... at anything!

Warnings: When I was typing this chapter it got huge! So I've split it into two and uploaded both parts. In the next chapter there is an attempted rape and other gory things. Nothing graphic or stomach turning.

Anyway, onwards and forever downwards.

Jack knew the perfect island to hide out in. He could take the Pearl up one of the rivers that lead into the bay and it would be hidden from sea. But more importantly, the island was uninhabited and complete with fresh water. They could probably hunt a few of the wild animals and replenish their dwindling supplies.

He knew that the merchant ship would turn and follow them as soon as the navy had gone from their sight. He also knew that Beaumont would head straight to Tortuga thinking that was where they were on course for.

He would wait there enough time for Beaumont to get as close to Tortuga as he could and then Jack would slip out and head straight to Port Royal. He would sneak in under cover of night, drop her Ladyship, take a few minutes to see Will and Elizabeth and then he'd head back to the Pearl. It wasn't a perfect plan, but then there were no such things as perfect plans, only perfect intentions. But then he was after all, Captain Jack Sparrow.

He took his compass from his pocket and checked his bearing, making a small adjustment to the wheel.

He looked down across the deck from his place by the wheel. He could see Nell talking to Hock and by the uncomfortable way he was holding himself he imagined that Nell was thanking him and probably informing him that his soul had earned a seat in heaven.

He smirked at he watched them, her hand on Hocks arm as she continued to speak to him, he could only imagine what she was saying but he was surprised to see the man relax and even laugh a little.

Jack tilted his head to one side as he watched her. She was walking away from Hock now and over to where Gibbs was standing. He wondered what she was up to now and he watched closely as Gibbs seemed to be thinking and then he pointed at something and Nell crossed to the buckets and took one up ready to start working.

He shrugged, she had the opportunity to just sit in her cabin or wander round the deck all day. He had given that right to her when he'd told her she was a guest. But there she was picking up the bucket and getting to work.

He suspected it was partly because of her upbringing in the convent where no one was idle, and partly to force her mind from dwelling on everything that had happened to her.

He was aware that she had gone from thinking she was just a nun starting on a new life, to being kidnapped by pirates, and finding out that the person who was supposed to be her guardian had tattooed a map onto her back without her knowing. He was also aware that she'd have to deal with it soon or it would consume her. And that was something he could not allow to happen. Now he had the map he had no intentions of giving it up and if she were to go off the deep end so to speak he could very easily lose the map if she did something stupid in a moment of anger or grief. He would have to watch her closely.

He had seen touches of the person she could be, he had seen glimpses of her temper and he had a feeling that there was more depth to her than he had previously thought. His earlier ideas of having some fun with her had changed into a real desire to bed her. He had played with her in his cabin, watched her dress and it had been enough to ignite a flame of lust inside him that was second only to finding the treasure. And now he had all the time in the world to seduce her. He rather suspected that therein lay most of her appeal to him, her innocence and the challenge she created. He couldn't really remember the last time he'd had to sweet talk his way into someone's bed. Well, yes he had, the last time he'd been to Tortuga and had to explain to Scarlet why he had visited another lass called Beatrice first, but that was different. Scarlet was a known entity, a sure thing if he had the correct coins and the sweetest words. Nell was... un-chartered waters, a challenge; and when did he ever pass up a challenge.

But having said that he couldn't afford to forget what he really wanted from her. Which was her... he stopped and turned away from her frowning. What was it he wanted from her? His face cleared as he looked out over the wide expanse of sea. The map, he wanted the map from her, the way to fortune so grand he'd never have to raid, pillage and plunder again for money and treasure.

No, he could raid, pillage and plunder just for the sheer fun of it.

A large grin spread across his face as he began to sing to himself.

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