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Nell could smell the rotten odour from the cooped up soldiers in the brig opposite her. Tristan De Mornay was stood just inside the bars; Norrington and Bryant were tied and gagged in front of him.

"Now then, Helen. What will it be?" asked Tristan cheerfully, seemingly unaware of the stench of sweat, effluent and death that pervaded the brig. "You can come with me now and tell me everything I want to know or I'll kill these good men where they kneel?"

"I'll come with you." She shouted time and again. But her voice wouldn't work; no sound came from her mouth. "Please don't..." she screamed but to no avail. Her body wouldn't obey her as she tried to make herself heard.

She watched in mute horror as Tristan brought a dagger to Norrington's throat and drew a long line from ear to ear slowly. The dagger moving as easily as a knife through butter; the skin opened and blood began to pore through. She heard Norrington give a gargled groan as his blue eyes fixed on her and it was easy to see the blame that he laid at her feet. It was her fault that he was about to die...

"NELL!" she heard her name and her eyes flew open, still seeing images of Norrington bleeding to death in front of her.

She looked around her wildly, her eyes taking in the sheets of the bed and then the arms that were clasping her shoulders and shaking her.

"Elizabeth?" she sank back onto the pillows as she stared up at her with sweat running down her terror stricken face.

"You're safe now." Elizabeth said, pushing the hair out of her face. "It was just a dream."

"I was dreaming." Nell stuttered and brought her hand up to cover her eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's morning."

"I slept here all night?" she lowered her hand, still breathing heavily and shaking from her nightmare. "What of Jack?"

"Jack slept with the crew." Elizabeth said softly, her face kind as she looked at her.

Nell took a deep breath and moved to sit up.

"I've brought you some breakfast." Elizabeth said as she got up to cross to the table where a tray was set.

Nell licked her dry lips and gingerly swung her legs over the side of the bed, glad that her stomach didn't complain too much.

"Thank you," she whispered and getting up slowly made her way over to the table. Using the table as support she sat down slowly, aware of Elizabeth watching her the whole time.

Nell looked around and then up at Elizabeth.

"Is there any clothes I can put on? I'd like to go out." She desperately needed to get out of the confines of the cabin. She needed to feel the sunlight and air on her face, try and rid herself of the dreams that were still clinging to the edges of her mind.

Elizabeth nodded noting the paleness of her face and the haunted look in her eyes. For one moment she thought that maybe Norrington was correct in saying that Nell shouldn't be taken any further. She crossed to the chest of drawers and drew out some of Jack's clothes for her.

"I'm afraid it'll have to be Jack's clothes again," she said turning to see Nell picking at a banana unhappily.

Nell looked up and forced a bright smile onto her face as Elizabeth handed her the shirt and trousers.

"Unless you'd like to wear one of your habits?" Elizabeth saw the look of disgust in her eyes and grinned, "Only joking," she said and looked down at where Nell had one hand resting protectively over her stomach.

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