Going Back

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Doesn't seem like it was all that long ago.

You can dream about it every now and then, but you can't go home again.

"Flies on the Butter"

Six months later.

Nell sighed deeply, her fingers clenched tightly around the dark blue material of the Commodore's top coat.

"I think I felt better facing the monks," she breathed out, her other hand went to the tightly fitted waist of the elaborate morning dress she was wearing.

"Relax, Nell," Commodore Norrington replied in an undertone. "You'll be just fine."

Nell nodded, sending the curls around her face swinging prettily. She flexed her fingers into the material of his elbow as he guided her through the more respectable part of Port Royal. She took another deep breath and wished again she could loosen the ties that held her so tightly in place.

"Nell, what's the worst that could happen?" Norrington patted her hand reassuringly as they entered the correct street.

"Jack asked the same thing," she muttered under her breath aware he could hear her well. "It's just..." She sighed, her steps slowing as she realised they were nearing their destination. "I don't know him, James... I don't know him and he doesn't know me... why did I come?"

Norrington heard the panic clearly in her voice and he slowed to accommodate her; aware that he could not stop, and reassure her in the way he wished he could, without making a public spectacle of them both.

"Because if you don't you'll never know; there'll always be a part of you that is unanswered."

"Damnation, James!" She shook her head. "Did Jack tell you what to say to me? That's exactly the nonsense he was spouting in Tortuga, except he was drunk and you're not!"

"Well, as much as this pains me greatly, Jack is right. And no, I have not conversed with your husband; that really would be tempting the hangman's noose for both of us!" Norrington did stop then, he didn't turn to her, but he did pause and look sideways at her. "Nell, he's your brother and he has the answers you need to hear; and he has the right to know his sister."

"I'm frightened." Nell blinked, suddenly aware that she had voiced emotions that she hadn't even shared with Jack. She looked up at the Commodore and shrugged slightly. "I'm frightened he won't want to know me."

Norrington smiled reassuringly at her. 

"He's had his own cross to bear, Nell, maybe he's frightened too." He urged her forwards again and, clasping her hand tightly, he lead her to the steps that led up to the front door of her brother's house.

Nell took a deep breath and watched as Norrington lifted his hand and knocked on the door. It was opened immediately and Nell was not surprised to see a maid standing at the door, obviously expecting them; she gave a curtsey and stepped aside to let them in.

Norrington motioned for Nell to go ahead of him and Nell found herself being lead into a small drawing room by the pretty young maid.

"Mister Wearing will be along presently," she smiled and left the room leaving Nell to look at Norrington in surprise.

"Not what you were expecting?" Norrington smiled at her again and placed his hands behind his back.

Before she has time to answer the door was opened and Nell turned; her stomach fluttering nervously. She suddenly wished that Jack were with her and not on the Pearl, anchored miles away in a neighbouring bay. She cleared her throat nervously and shuffled her feet, waiting for what seemed like hours, as the door stood open but no one showed themselves.

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