Am I mad?

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A/N: Same disclaimer. Thanks again to Hils for making this resemble real writing. Here's the next chapter... hope you enjoy.

Chapter 23

Am I mad?

Nell didn't think the air had ever smelt as sweet as she stepped out of the gloomy cave into the blinding sunshine. It took awhile for her eyes to grow accustomed to the light but when she could finally look around her she could see that they had come out much higher than the waterfall. The only signs of it were the distant sounds of water crashing on the rocks far below. The sun was high in the sky and she was surprised that they had been in the tunnels for so long. She saw Jack looking upwards at the sky, obviously anxious to get things moving before nightfall. He turned and swaggered across to her, indicating her beads with his right hand.

"We'll make camp; have a bite to eat here. Try and work it out as quickly as you can," he said abruptly and turned from her to cross to the others organising the make-do camp area.

Nell blinked at his abrupt manner and looked around her. Norrington was watching quietly, his hands behind his back. She saw him watching her and he came over to her, having heard what Jack had said.

"Do you require any assistance, Nell?" he asked her quietly.

Nell shrugged, her eyes going back to where Jack was talking quietly to Hock. He felt her eyes on him and looked back at her. He tipped his hat at her sardonically and Nell felt herself blush to the roots of her hair, but she wasn't sure why.

"I don't think so, but thank you anyway," Nell said quietly and knelt on the floor. She slid the beads from her hands and laid them out on the floor. She undid the clasp on her necklace and let the beads slip onto the dusty ground again. She stared at them and, whispering prayers, she moved her fingers over the beads, her eyes searching the small characters carved onto the beads.

Ten minutes later she was getting frustrated. She couldn't work the order out at all and it was bothering her immensely. She sat back on her heels and ran both hands through her hair, letting out a growl. She tugged slightly on the plait in her hair wishing she could remember the small markings.

"Nell..." She looked up at Jack leaning forwards slightly, peering intently into her eyes. "Don't worry. It was done before; we'll do it again." He held out a bread roll to her and she took it with a mumbled thanks and began eating it quickly, not realising how hungry she was. She didn't give the roll a second glance as she looked down at her beads

"Close your eyes," Hock said suddenly, coming over to crouch in front of her.

"Sorry?" she frowned at him but he merely grinned at her.

"Close your eyes. You don't look at your beads when you're praying normally, don't look at them now. Close your eyes, or look at my incredibly handsome face... no wait, that'll distract you." He smirked at her, making her grin widely at him.

She looked up at Jack but he wasn't looking down at them; he was staring over their heads at where the ground rose sharply above the system of underground caves. He was squinting as he stared at the trees and bushes lining the ground that grew beside the river as it flowed lazily downwards to the waterfall further down.

"Jack?" Nell looked behind her at where he was squinting.

"Gold," he whispered. "I can see gold." He strode around them and both Nell and Hock got up to follow him. Several of the crew members also followed as the word 'gold' had spread amongst them.

"Look!" Norrington pointed towards where a gold object lay embedded in the middle of the river. It was tall and thin and immediately recognisable as a cross.

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