That's what makes me the pirate, and you the red coat.

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A/N: Many, many, many thanks to Hils for checking this and thanks to both AniSparrow and Hils for being an inspiration.

Hope you all like this....

Chapter 23

"Take your waistcoat off, Nell," Jack said, as he shrugged out of his topcoat.

Nell looked down at where she was still wearing his waistcoat. She slid the beads into her britches pocket, and began to undo the buttons until she could slide the waistcoat down her arms. Norrington helped her out of the garment, and then stood there holding it as she took Jack's hand again, and they began to wade through the water.

It deepened considerably halfway out and Nell gasped as the water reached her waist. She lifted her arms to help her wade through, glad that Jack still held tightly to her hand. She could feel the pull of the current tugging at her legs; she suddenly remembered the green reed like things that had fixed themselves to her leg; taking a deep breath, she refused to think about that now. She was certain the faith of the monks had protected the river; she had to make sure her own faith protected them now.

"Do you want to turn back, Nell?" Jack asked her, as the water deepened again to just below her breasts.

"No," she said. "Not unless I can't touch the bottom..."

"Well, not one to be making you feel awkward, but I'm getting a lovely view here," he chuckled, his eyes on her breasts. Nell looked down and blushed to see that, not only had the water made her shirt transparent again, but her body was reacting to the cold water.

"Just as well this water is cold as sin, else I'd be having trouble!" He looked sideways at her, but only chuckled when his meaning went right over her head.

Nell opened her mouth to say something and let out a gasp as her foot went out from under her as it found a hole. He caught her before she could go under and she clutched at his arms, gasping.

"I'm thinking that this is as far as you should go, Nell." Jack's voice was slurred but his face was serious. "I'm not wanting to take you back half drowned."

"I'm fine!" Nell found her feet and let go of his arms. He shrugged and caught her hand again, clutching tightly.

"Whatever you say," he murmured, and once again they set off. He was surprised when the water didn't get any deeper as they neared the cross; if anything it seemed to get shallower. Finally they were in front of the cross, both of them looking at it reverently, but for completely different reasons.

"Ah, Nell," Jack sighed, reaching out a hand and tracing it over the face of the Virgin Mary. "It is a shame."

"It is beautiful," Nell replied breathlessly and, crossing herself, whispered a quick prayer to Mary.

"It is worth a fortune!" he corrected her, shaking his head when he found his hand almost starting to cross himself. What was he thinking of? He had no need of rituals like that. He looked down at his hand and swayed slightly as the current almost took him off his feet. Nell tightened her grip on his other hand when she felt him slip. She looked at him in alarm, but he righted himself with a laugh and a wave of his other hand.

"Go on then, Nell, luv. Although it's not far now, I'd rather not loiter around longer than necessary."

Nell nodded and carefully took the beads from her pocket. The current pulled at the strands in her hand, but she lifted it free of the water and stepped closer. She reached out and hesitated slightly before wrapping the gold cross and its beads around one of the arms. She whispered one last prayer and crossed herself before stepping back.

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