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Nell didn't bother with the ties, or the rows of buttons, she just took the dagger Jack had left her and slit the dress right down the front; leaving it lying in a heap on the muddy ground. She slit the corset the same way and let out a sigh of relief as the constricting item of clothing fell to the ground. She slid into the shirt and britches she had stolen from the washing line of the first house she had found. Running her fingers through her hair to straighten the ringlets; she used one of the corset ties to braid her hair back with. Slipping the dagger into the waist of her britches she sighed again as she felt more comfortable than she had since she had first arrived in Port Royal. She was confidant now that she would blend in at the town and no one would equate the rough, dirty peasant with the young woman who had walked through the town earlier in the week to meet her brother.

Slipping quietly through the rubbish strewn yards of houses, she was glad of the absolute squalor that most of Port Royals citizens lived in. Houses were so tightly packed together that milling through crowds of people was easy for Nell. Children ran the streets bare-footed and unkempt; dogs barked and chased the children in their games; women went about their daily work as men loitered and did whatever men did, which in Nell's opinion seemed to be as little as possible. And at every corner and at every intersection of road, red coats were present. 

Nell walked casually up Dove Lane and into the yard that separated it from Love Lane; heading towards the central market place. She was unsure of her plans yet; but she had to keep moving; if she stopped or tried to hide somewhere, she would stand out more. Every house was being systematically searched by red coats, which once again, went in Nell's favour. There were just so many houses that it was taking time for them to work their way through the town. All Nell had to do was keep out of the way and dodge past the searching red coats and hopefully she would outlast their efforts to find her.

Nell watched as several red coats burst open another door, much to the owners dismay. They disappeared into the house and Nell took the opportunity to cross into a street they had already searched. She moved forwards, when suddenly a hand was pressed against the mouth and she was pulled backwards into the dim alley between two houses. She struggled, trying desperately to free herself.

"Nell, it's me, Hock."

Nell went limp in his arms as she recognised the voice of her friend, Hock. He released her mouth and turned her quickly to face him.

"What's happened?" he asked her as she quickly pressed her forehead to his chest before standing away from him. She saw Jimmy slightly behind him and she waved in greeting at him.

"Oh, Hock, we're in big trouble!" she whispered as he tried to mover her backwards. "No, not that way, they're heading that way next. Quick, we need to move back to Dove Lane; they've been there and they won't come back." She turned and watching carefully she ambled out of the alley with her hands in her pockets. Keeping her head averted from the house they were currently searching she lead the other two towards Dove Lane. When they were safely out of sight again she turned to them and drew them closer.

"They've captured them all! All of them, Will, Elizabeth, the Governor and I'm assuming James and Josh; as I've not seen them at all in this search today!"

"Who's done this?" asked Hock frowning down at her.

"Some new Governor called Spencer; Gillette is also part of it and Davenport. Tilly's Davenport."

Hock's face reddened with anger slightly as he heard Davenport's name. "Bastard! They must have caused trouble.... Now I know what the gallows are for!"

"Gallows?" asked Nell in horror.

"They've a set of gallows in the square. Usually it'd be done in the fort but for some reason this is going to be a public event."

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