Chapter 1: Within The Woods

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I'll never forget the night we left New York City. The Kraang defeated us. Leo got badly hurt. Master Splinter- father- is gone. We lost. We had nowhere left to go. So we came to an old farmhouse April grew up in, miles away from the city, a place we could all be safe in. The first thing we did was take care of my poor brother, Leonardo.

Raphael keeps a constant vigil over Leo, waiting for him to wake up. He also stops by and checks up on me after I shut myself out from them, hiding out in the room that April allowed me to stay in. It's obvious I'm not myself. I've slowed down on eating, drinking, and just overall taking care of myself. And Raph is constantly worried about that. I don't mean to worry him. But I just can't do it. I don't have it in me.

As for Michelangelo, he goofs around a lot, but he does a ton of chores around the house. Donatello built a lab in the barn, trying to create a mutagenic medicine to heal Leo. Although, I'm not sure if that's the wisest idea.

As for April, she just does whatever she can to keep us sane and on our feet as to not drown in our sorrows despite hurting and grieving about everything herself.

I hate that I can't be strong for them or for Leo. I've lost my strength. I just can't get myself to even get out of bed. At least Raph is here to keep me company. He stays by my side at night when I have trouble sleeping due to constant nightmares. My body has grown thin and weak, my complexion is more pale than ever, and the dark circles under my eyes really add to my deathly pale look.

At least being near the woods means I can let my serpent side roam freely. If I ever get the chance or have the courage to leave the room.

I miss New York, father, Karai, and I know April misses her father. It's been three months since that horrible day. And even though I've lost all hope, I still try to stick it out. For my brothers. For my family.

I sighed heavily and closed my journal, placing it down on the nightstand as I pulled down the worn nightgown over my cold legs. April offered it to me and I've worn it for a while now. For days, actually.

I leaned back against the headboard of the bed and looked out the window, only able to see trees and green grass. Though the nature here was thriving, we were not.

I began to cry for like the tenth time today, burying my face into my legs as I tugged at my night gown. But I suddenly jumped when I heard a slight knock on my door.

"Myra? You in there?" I heard my red clad brother ask.

I let out another sigh before responding in my hoarse, quiet voice. "As I always am..."

I heard the old rickety door squeak open then close as Raph approached me, sitting down next to me on the thin twin sized bed.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, as usual, but I also wasn't going to deny some company. You could say that these past few months, Raph and I have gotten... close. Closer than ever. I've started feeling flustered and tense around him, but I always tried to brush it off. Though it didn't seem to work.

"How, uh... how are you doing?" He asked.

I just simply shrugged in return. "Like usual..."

"I figured... we're about to go out for a training session. Wanna... wanna join us?" He asked.

I just shook my head. "No... I can't even stand up on my own anymore. I'm weak..."

"Hey, you're not weak. You're just..." He sighed. "I get it. We're all in this messy state. You hate it. I hate it. We all hate it. But we can either let it weigh us down, or fight against it."

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