Chapter 15: Meet Mondo Gecko

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You'd think that having a lot of free time would mean I would spend it with Raph. But, nope. Raph was out in the city, doing god knows what while I remained in my stuffy and messy room with Boris keeping me company. Leo and April were practicing katas, Donnie was working in the lab, Mikey was probably doing something crazy or stupid in his room, and Casey was playing around with our games. And even though Casey and I are cool, he's still the last person I'd hang out with alone.

"Ugh!" I groaned and sighed heavily, hanging my head upside down off the edge of my bed. "Dear, god, help me get rid of this absolute terrible feeling of boredom!" I heard my little companion squeaking as he nuzzled his little nose against my cheek, his messy whiskers ticking my skin. "I guess it can't be all bad. But I don't feel like drawing or making music, so what do I-"

I cut off when I suddenly spotted my painted skateboard. That's when my eyes lit up and I immediately got up from my bed. "That's it! Boris, you're a genius!" I lifted my little pet up and kissed his fuzzy head then set him back down. "You be good now!" I grabbed my skate board and rushed out my room only to see that Mikey and Casey were about to leave the lair. "Where you boys headed?"

"Oh! We're gonna hang out! Wanna join?" Casey asked when he noticed what I was holding. "Nice pain job on ole faithful."

"Thanks. And I'd love to! Let's test out my new ride!" I cheered before jumping onto my skate board, Mikey doing the same.

We skateboarded down the sewers while Casey rollerbladed beside us. We headed up to the surface and stayed up on the rooftops, skating and jumping over little obstacles that were in our way.

It felt so good to skateboard out in the open during the day with the air blowing through my hair. "This is the life! Haha!" I ollied over a dented beam and ducked under a water tower before grinding down the ledge and jumping over to the neck roof. It's been years since I skateboarded, but I still got it! "Ha! I'm a natural! WAH!"

I felt something rush past me and almost knock me over, but I managed to keep my balance. I looked up and saw a mutant looking lizard riding a skateboard of his own, performing swift and sweet tricks on the neighboring rooftops.

"Another mutant?" Casey questioned.

"He's awesome! His name should totally be... Rad Lizard! No, wait, Skatermander! No, that's lame. No, I got it! Mondo Gecko!" Mikey exclaimed just as the mutant skid to a stop in front of us.

"Dude, that name sucks! And I'll make you pay for it! Do you know what happened to the last dude that called me names?" He angrily held up his skateboard as if ready to charge at us with it.

"How would we know? We just met." I stated.

The gecko then lowered his board and began laughing at us. "You should see the look on your faces! I'm just joshing you, dudes! So, you're a mutant, too? I'm Jason, the most awesome pro skater in the world!"

"I might have to agree with you there. Those were some pretty advanced moves." I smirked. Come on, even I knew I was a simple skater. I wasn't a noob, but I definitely wasn't a pro. I'm more like... advanced.

"Jason? That's boring. Mondo Gecko? Not boring." Mikey spoke up.

"I don't even know what a gecko is." Casey glared, making me question why he was suddenly acting so hostile. But, then again, when is he not?

"You're lookin' at one. Check it!" His long tongue then stuck out, lapping at his eye. "Well, we can't blink, so we have to lick our eyeballs to keep them moist."

"Nice. So, you're a pro skater, huh? Think you can teach me some tricks?" I asked. I wasn't getting any sort of weird feelings around him so I believed that he was well natured and had good intentions. He's just a lonely kid who actually got mutated. How though, I'm not sure.

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