Chapter 22: Fourfold Trap

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We were all gathered up inside the lab with Donnie examining the drawings of the brain worm he had requested from me. He looked over the descriptions and written areas before turning back at us.

"How's it going, Donnie? Any luck?" Raph asked.

"I've been able to synthesize the neurotoxin from the brain worm based on your blood sample." He explained.

"Ooh, pretty. You think it'll work on Karai?" Mikey asked.

"I hope so..." I muttered.

"We're about to find out." He dropped a small amount of the substance into a beaker that was filled with a glowing orange chemical. The chemical began to react and bubble before it turned completely black, much to our horror.

"Donnie, you tried your best, brah, even if it totally sucked." Mikey tried to comfort him.

Donnie pounds his fists on table in fury and frustration. "It's useless. I'm not even close! I can't do it. This brain worm is impossible! Sensei, Myra, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

I sighed lowered my head in defeat, not wanting to believe that there really was nothing we can do. But I didn't want to give up, even though sometimes I questioned if we should.

"I know how hard you have tried, Donatello. Some things are simply not meant to be. At least I have four wonderful sons and another loving daughter." Father stated before he walked out of the lab.

"Myra?... You ok, princess?" Raph grabbed hold of my hand, lifting my chin up to get me to look him in the eye.

But I couldn't. I needed some time to just... be alone, I guess. "I... I need to think." I gently removed his hand from mine and left the lab, heading back to the dojo to possibly try and clear my head.

But I stopped when I saw father staring at the photo of him, Shen, and Miwa from back then. He seemed to be deep in thought when I approached him.

"Father... do you... do you think that... Karai will ever be saved?" I asked hopefully.

He lowered his head and let out a deep sigh before giving me a serious look. "I have hope that Miwa can be saved. But... even life can be very cruel at times. Even then, I choose to move forward with what I have, not with what I lose."

"But doesn't it hurt? Don't you just hate it when bad things happen to good people who don't deserve it? Don't you just want revenge? You know the person who caused this!"

"And he will be stopped. But fighting from blinded fury and rage will always lead to one's downfall. You must be cunning, strong, and patient. Revenge isn't always the answer."

"But revenge is still needed in this situation. He's hurt so many! He's hurt you, me, mom, Shen, Miwa, the guys- everyone! I can't believe it's taken us so many years to get this far and he still isn't defeated!"

"Shredder didn't know that I was still alive until a while ago. He thought that our past has left me deceased. And I thought I had finally escaped from him. But we were both wrong."

I huffed in anger before looking up to look between the two photos, seeing my young smiling self with my mom then back over to Shen holding Miwa. They didn't deserve this. We didn't deserve this. And Shredder will soon pay for all our sufferings combined. If it comes down to it, I'll personally handle it myself.

I let out a deep sigh and was just going to go meditate when we both heard the loud sounds of the guys arguing. And it wasn't pretty or nice. Everything I heard them yell and shout just broke my heart even more.

"Well, try harder, Donnie!"

"Try harder? I always have to find the solution! You're leader, Leo! You find the answer! Or what about Raph?!"

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