Chapter 9: Serpent Hunt

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Trying to get our temporary home to feel like, well, home was easier said than done. Cleaning up the place was a task itself but it was much harder since only April, Mikey, Donnie, father, and I were the only ones here while the guys went out to go collect and get some needed things.

However, my mind was constantly racing with worrying thoughts about my brothers but mostly for my sister. I would catch myself glancing out the window every few minutes, wondering if Karai was alright and alive. I needed my sister back. I haven't seen her since... since her mutation. It's been months.

"Myra?... Myra? Myra!"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to see Mikey and April giving me concerned looks.

"You ok, dudette?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Just... worried." I sighed heavily.

"Hey, the guys will be back soon. They'll make it." April reassured me, thinking that my thoughts must've been on them.

"No, I know. I believe in them. I'm just... worrying about Karai. It's been so long since I've last seen her. And that was when her mind was warped into an animal. I was lucky to remain in control, but... I can't imagine what she's going through. We had to leave her behind here in this deserted Kraang filled city all alone. I miss her..." I ranted, feeling my eyes sting with tears.

"Hey, we'll find her. And you know Leo. We won't give up on that either." April patted my shoulder as she gave me a smile.

I tried to take deep breaths and let myself be comforted by her words. I forced a smile and nodded my head in thanks when I looked over and noticed my father staring worryingly out the window.

"It is very dangerous out there. Casey and your brothers have been gone for a long time."

"Don't worry, father. They'll be back." I tried to reassure him.

I know he must be on edge after having his mind just being returned to him, and the fact that April and I had told him everything about what happened back at the farmhouse. The Creep and Raph being turned into a plant, Bigfoot being real, the fake Kraang monsters that pretended to be our mothers, an army of humanoid frog mutants who hated humans, the guys almost losing their life force to the Dream Beavers, a Speed Demon maniac car mutant who Casey had to race against, a giant fish-bird-worm mutant that I was telepathically connected to and even tried to eat and make a move on Leo, and even the guys when they went on their spirit quest and came back ready to face New York head on. It was crazy.

Wanting to take a small break, I headed back to the big kitchen of the restaurant to see Donnie working with a batch of mutagen in the new lab he had set up. Again.

"Hey, D. How's the new set up?" I asked.

"Ehh, kinda makeshift. I'm brewing a batch of retro-mutagen I started back at the farmhouse. Takes forever." He complained.

"You'll get it. I know I hate it when you use mutagen, but this time it's important." I gently patted his shoulder.

"And then we can mutate my dad back? Um, hopefully for good this time?" April asked.

"Well, that's the plan. And everyone else who got mutated, including Karai." Donnie added.

My eyes widen in shock when I heard that. He was going to turn Karai back to normal? He can do that? I mean, I thought that our mutation was way different than normal mutations. But, if he thinks he could do that for Karai, then... that must mean.

"And... me?" I asked hopefully. But... I don't know what came over me. I never really thought about being turned back to normal. Did I want to? I've gotten so used to my two sides that it felt like it was apart of me. But, the thought of being able to turn myself human again... hit me like a truck.

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