Chapter 14: Clash Of The Mutanimals

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Relaxing in the lair is just what I needed. And it helped that I was currently spray painting my aesthetically pleasing gothic cutie designs on my very own skateboard. Weirdly enough, it was a gift from Casey. Said he had it lying around and since he uses his roller blades to get around he didn't need it anymore.

I knew how to skateboard, I just never had one of my own. I always just used Leo's. But now I had my very own! And it's gonna be full out black and white! With some color.

I finished off the design by painting 'SLASHER' underneath on the deck. I smirked in pride at my work and held it up into the light.

"She's finished!" I called out.

"Nice job. Looks cool." Leo complimented then turned his attention back to the comic book her was reading.

"Of course it is. I made it." I smirked at him and placed the board down so it could dry.

"Hey, guys." Mikey called out while he was busy watching his show. "Ever notice how the cartoons we watch are kind of just like our missions?"

"Seriously? You're reading way too much into a cartoon show, Mikey." Leo rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of missions, I know what our next one should be." Raph grunted as he was training with the punching bag with a picture of a familiar someone taped to its head. "Shredder. Why don't we take him down once!  And! For! All?!" He punched the punching bag right off the hook and sent it flying across the room.

"Because of that impulsive overemotional state right there." Leo smirked mockingly at his brother.

"Who are you calling impulsive and overemotional?!" Raph yelled in Leo's face.

"Baby. Calm it." I urged.

"Honestly, I'd go more with hotheaded." Mikey laughed which set Raph off and he started destroying things.

I glared over at Mikey. "Thanks for giving me more work."

"He's your boyfriend." Mikey teased.

"He's your brother." I retorted.

"Technically, he's also kinda yours too." He stated.

I growled and got out my tessen, smacking him on the back of the head. "How about I win this round?"

"Yeah, good call." He groaned as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Just let him calm down. Meanwhile, don't anger him more." I said to them before deciding to get up and go see what Donnie was working on.

I entered the lab to see he was more so put in the garage, trying to fix up the Shellraiser. He's been complaining for a while now that he's been wanting to patch it up. Glad he's got that chance now.

"Salute, D. How's the Shellraiser coming along?" I asked while also making sure I stayed far back as to not get so close to him as he was holding a blow torch.

"Hey, Myra. Doing great. Just a few more, aaaaannnd... done!" He stood up and turned off the torch, lifting his metal helmet up and taking it off.

"She looks good as new." I complimented and patted his shoulder.

"Oh, that was fairly easy. I'm actually working on something even better." He smirked confidently.

"Even better than the Shellraiser?! You're kidding!" I gasped dramatically. I mean, everyone knows how much Donnie loves that vehicle like it's his own child. No judgment though.

"Nope. And it's for you." He tapped my nose before walking back behind his desk.

"F-for me? Donnie, you don't have to-"

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