Chapter 16: The Deadly Venom

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Watching Leo and father train solo together was a lot harder to watch than I thought. Seeing how weak and slow my father was fighting broke me. He was always so swift and easily able to knock all of us to the ground at once. But now, he couldn't.

"Sup my ninjas? Any of you guys seen my stuffed iguana?" Mikey popped his head up while we continued watching through the opened dojo doors.

"Shhh." Both Donnie and Raph shushed him.

"The on with the top hat?" Mikey continued to ask.

"Shhhh!" Raph pushed him head away.

"Hmm. My ninja senses are saying you want me to be quiet." Mikey muttered which earned him a slap across the face by Raph.

"Man, they're really going at it. Sensei still hasn't fully recovered." Donnie stated.

"Slash messed him up pretty bad. It's gonna take a while before he gets all his strength back."

"Ugh, first Leo with his leg and now father. When will it end?" I sighed.

"AH! Found him! Go ninja go ninja go!" Mikey chanted as he helped up a stuffed animal iguana.

"SHHH!" Both boys turned and glared at him.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to watch them training just as Leo managed to kick father down.

"You succeeded." Father praised.

"Only because you're still recovering, Sensei." Leo said humbly.

"Very true." Father let out a deep breath before sitting down and began chanting in Japanese while making gestures with his hands. "Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen."

Leo looked amazed as father was now glowing with a bright aura surging around his body.

"Master Splinter? What did you just do? And how did you do that?"

"It is an ancient technique known as the healing hands. Would you like to know its secrets?" He asked to which Leo sat down in front of him and bowed his head. "Together with me. Rin. Pyo. Toh. Sha." He continued as Leo started to copy him.

I even began to follow along, making the same hand gestures and mumbling the words under my breath.

"Come on. Let's let them practice." Raph placed his hand on my shoulder then urged us back to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and Mikey turned on the tv to pass the time. I rolled my eyes when I saw his new favorite show immediately playing.

"Seriously? This stuff again? You guys have no taste."

"Well then, what would you suggest, princess?" Raph asked sarcastically while seated next to me.

"How about I show you guys my favorite kind of anime." I smirked and went to my room to retrieve my laptop then headed back to the living room to connect my laptop to the tv. Even though it was old, Donnie managed to add in that feature. "Ever since we left New York, I wasn't able to finish my anime I was watching. It has one season and thirty seven episodes."

"What's it called?" Mikey asked.

"Death Note." I smirked.

"I've heard of it. A little bit of a horror supernatural thriller fantasy. And maybe a tad gory." Donnie commented.

"I love it. And love the detective character!" I giggled giddily.

"Gee, thanks." Raph rolled his eyes.

"Relax, Raphie. He's not real." I laughed as it slowly turned into a whine. Oh, how I wish anime characters were real. Alas, they are not. But we're already dealing with enough problems as it is. Having evil villainous anime characters come down into the world would just make things harder and crazier. "We can start from the first episode."

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