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JorDae's POV

Jario sped down the highway, pushing 115 the whole ride. I constantly looked in the mirrors behind me, praying that Zion didn't show up behind us and surprisingly, he never did.

"How you feeling?" Jah asked, turning into a vacant parking lot. Eva sat in silence for a bit before deeply inhaling.

"Man bro, im fucking stressed" She responded. Obviously Jah felt the same because he refused to ask her why or argue her statement. We all was stressed, We were in another state with limited bullets, no back up and no idea how ready Zion was.

The only thing we knew for sure right now is that Zion had no idea where we were at and Eva successfully made a fool out of him in the hospital.

"Yeah ghee, this shit is dumb" Jario expressed with stress surrounding his demeanor. I began to feel guilt creep upon me. All of this shit was my fault for marrying the dumb ass nigga. Had I have stayed home instead of begging Zion to go to that party with him, Jario would've never been able to take me and spark shit up more.

"Im sorry" I said, breaking the huge silence barrier amongst the three of us. He turned his head to me, furrowing his naturally perfect full eyebrows. "For what?" He asked.

I shook my head, feeling blood rush to my brain. My ears began to become hot to the touch and my eyes filled of water. "Im sorry for getting you into this shit" I broke out crying. Almost instantly, Eva reached her hand to my shoulder and began to caress me, comforting me.

"Nah Dae, it aint yo fault man" Jario responded, refusing to look at me.

"I didn't have to take you that night, I could've just left and handled Zion myself but I decided to use you as a pawn and everybody around ended up fucking with you more than we expected. Aylin ass been obsessed with you since before all this shit" I began to cry harder, imagining if Ay was okay or not.

I pray that I kept her out of danger, if anything was to happen to her at the hands of Zion, who is legally my husband, that would all fall back on me and I would never be able to forgive myself. Since I'm preparing for a child of my own now, who would be either her brother or her sister, I couldn't imagine a life without her.

She would be make the best big sister, to the child her mother had after her and now to my baby. I missed her more than I ever expressed or more than I felt I was able to express.

"I wish that I hadn't got myself involved with Zion" I cried, sniffling and choking on my own words. "I hope everyone ends up okay I don't want to be at fault for any of this-

"Dae shut up, alright?" Jah snapped, sending me a look. I sniffled, swallowing the hard lump in my throat while the remaining tears slid down my cheeks. "I hate this dumb shit too iight? But I can't afford to be sad and shit right now girl we gotta think"

"Cmon Ghee don't be so hard on her" Eva said, wrapping her arms around me from the backseat and laying her head on my shoulder. Jah smacked his lips and shook his head.

"E, Ian tryna be hard on her but I just gotta lock in for a minute. The nigga starting shit back in Chicago and I can only get so many updates on that shit, I gotta get you back home" He said. "Now I gotta protect his fucking fiancé because I decided to fuck ha'

The car dropped silent. I understood Jah had a lot going on and that this was all over me, but now he was beginning to make me feel as if he regretted my child.

I opened my car door, listening to them both scream my name behind me and began to walk through the dark Parking lot. I had nowhere to go, but I know I just didn't want to be around Jah at the moment.

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