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"Zion... Did this to you?"

52 Days left...

Jor'Dae's POV

I turned the page of the book I had been reading. I was starting to get bored in this penthouse, especially since Jah got meaner & meaner by the day.

He barely brought Ay around & he himself barely spoke to me. The tension between us two was beyond me.

He didn't shower in his room or shit. He used the other bathroom. Only time he came in the room was to get something out of his closet.

Me on the other hand? I didn't care. I didn't ask for any of this shit, therefore I wouldn't tell him anything about Zion.. 52 days left or not.

The only thing that kept me company at this point was my dog; salt.

Jah had brought her to me a week or so back & ever since, I've treated her like my child. Although I hated Jah, I was thankful he cared enough to get me something to care for.


The door pushed opened, Leading the entrance open for Jah to walk in. Dae shot her head up at him & the two stared each other down before going back to what they were doing.

Salt jumped around in excitement of seeing Jah after he been gone all day, causing Jah to laugh & lift her from the bed.

Dae eyed him as he pet down Salt's furry back.

"What?" Jah finally spoke with an attitude. He realized that every time he came around she would stare at him like her life depended on it.

"Didn't say shit to you" She mumbled back, flipping the page of her book.

He sat Salt down on her doggy bed & sat back up, Running his hand over his beard.

He had been busy tryna get shit ready for whatever was about to go down between Zion & him. He didn't have time to be fighting with Dae every single day.

After these 52 days were up, she'd be completely useless to him.. He'd kill her & find Zion his damn self.

"Mm. Don't forget bout I told you" He said, pulling his shirt from his head. He watched as Dae sighed & placed a book mark on the page she was in, then closed the book.

"Listen Mr. Jario, I'm not scared of you. Never have been & never will be. In these next 52 days I'll be doing just as I been doing" She held up one finger & looked him in his face. "Not" She held up a second finger "giving" she held up a third finger "a"

"Fuck" Jah finished off, before she could put up the 4th finger. She nodded her head & sat back on the headboard.


"I'm not trippin. Just get dressed. I got company coming over" He demanded, As if she cared.

"What do I gotta get dressed for? They're coming for you, not me" She sassed. He opened his closet & began searching for something to wear.

"Get dressed"

Zion's POV

"Where is he?" I asked the bitch that sat in front of me. I had her arms & legs tied as I smoker a cigar.

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