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"Tonight we party"


"Daddyyyyy" Ay yelled running towards me. Her hair that was once in two perfect pretty ponytails, Were now all over her head.

I smiled & picked her up, Kissing her on her cheek a few times.

"you were late" She said looking at me. She pouted her face & playfully poked me on my nose. I gave her one last kiss on her forehead before sitting her on the ground.

"I know mama. I'm sorry"

I noticed her teacher quickly packed her things, As if she was in a rush.

"Miss.. McGee is it?" I said unsure on if I was pronouncing her name correctly or not. "My fault if I made you late for something" I added on.

She looked up at me and paused. Her eyes wondered to my arm & back up to my face.  "Oh... you sure look different than before" She said while laughing.

I nodded my head and chuckled a little. "Yeah I got my hair cut"

"Thanks for bringing Ailyn" she said, grabbing a chain full of keys. I grabbed Ay's hand & began to leave the building with her teacher following close behind.

"No problem" I responded, walking out of the building.

"Bye Miss. McGee" Ailyn waved & her teacher waved back.


After making sure Ay was buckled up I checked my phone while sitting in the parking lot.

I seen Zire had texted me, rushing me to bring Ay home & the shit annoyed me. I already hate the bitch guts & now her ass rushing me, with my child.

I turned my phone off & left the parking spot I was in. I waited for a metallic red car in front of me to drive off before pulling out & heading home.


"I want you to sleep in my room again" Ailyn whined while walking to our front door.

I laughed and shook my head. "I'm not coming home tonight. I'll be back to get you tomorrow" She made a sad face but I ignored it.

As I walked into the house my blood immediately began to boil. You could feel the animosity in the house. Just thinking of seeing Zire's face made me mad.

"Mama" Ay called out to her. Dezire came from the hallway with her eyes Bloodshot red, like she had been crying since I left.

"Thanks" she lowly mumbled not even looking at me. I eyed her with pure disgust as she released from the hug & let Ay walk to her room, leaving us two alone.

"Fuck is you crying for?" I asked finally making her look up at me.

"I'm just really sorry" She replied, looking down at the ground. I smacked my lips and opened the front door.

"Yeah one sorry ass hoe" I mumbled.

"Wait Ja-

I slammed the door in her face & made my way back to my car. I called up my brother & put the phone on speaker, Waiting for him to pick up.

"Damn nigga you call every hour. Wassup?" He answered. I smacked my lips and backed out of the driveway.

"I need the keys to my private joint" I stated.

"The penthouse?" He asked in a concerned tone. I nodded my head as if he could hear me & replied with a simple "yeah"

He remained quiet for a sec then began to speak. "You sure you wanna spend that much agai-

"You know I got the money for it. Just get it done bro" I said cutting him short from his ranting.

"Yo money, Yo rules. I'll hit you back Ghee"

"iight" He hung up the phone as I sped down the road. Pushing atleast 70 in a 50 range speed limit.

I promised I'd stop spending money on dumb shit & humble myself up but at this point I miss my old life.

I'm a wealthy nigga.. Why not live a wealthy lifestyle?

Within 10 minutes I pulled into the circular driveway of my penthouse & Pulled into the dark parking lot.

Getting past with no security made me realize I needed to get back on my shit. I needed my shit down & locked up so nobody could get past without my say so.

I stepped out of my Mustang and locked the doors behind me. The automatic lights flicked on & a smile spread across my face.

I looked around at all of my cars, Trucks & motorcycles & thought about the fun I was bouta start having again.

Midnight races with my brothers, Fucking bitches in the backseat, Pulling up & drawing everyone's attention.

"Jah" I heard sir call from the other half of the parking lot. I held both of my hands up before walking towards him.

"Yo Ghee, You straight? I heard about Zire fucking round'" He said with sympathy all over his face.

I sighed & shook my head. Everybody that knew had been asking me the same things over & over, Like I was some sad ass nigga or something.

Yeah I loved Dezire but at the end of the day a hoe gone be a hoe.

She just ain't gon' be my hoe doing that shìt.

"I'm G' fam. No need to feel sympathy" I replied. He smacked his lips as we walked into the first level of the penthouse.

"Come on now bro. Don't bottle the shit up because we all know how you get when you let everything ou-

"I said I'm G" I bluntly replied, Cutting him short.

"Chill bro I was just making sure" he said. We stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button that led to my floor.

"Yeah yeah Brotha. Just don't bring it up again" The elevator door opened and we stepped straight into my sitting/living room.

I smiled & looked around. Although everything still looked nice I realized it was time for a change. I needed to throw everything in this house out & start over.?

I sat on my black couch & looked around, seeing how dark it was. Sir sat across from me in the opposite couch & pulled a pack of woods from his pocket.

"Tonight we party & you know how I get. I might get us in some shit after the drinks kick in, Especially since I'm not in the right state of mind right now" I spoke to sir.

He nodded his head in an upwards position then replied, saying "I'm down Partna"


Since this chapter wasn't so detailed, do you guys want another one tonight? I'll upload one if you dooo. Don't be scared to comment

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