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6 weeks later....

Jordae's POV

Surprisingly, I was released from the hospital today

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Surprisingly, I was released from the hospital today. Yes, Jalon got me good, but not good enough. I'm sure Jah would be disappointed with his accuracy.

A big part of me wish I had died that day. I wish I hadn't killed Aiylin's father, that I hadn't fucked him, told him I loved him or put my trust in Zion ever again.

It was obvious what Zion's thought process was. He had ridiculous trust issues. After about 2 weeks of me being with Jah, I'm sure he convinced himself that I wasn't kidnapped and that I free willingly resigned with the other side..

But he was wrong,

In a way.

Originally I didn't want to be there. Everyday I begged to be sent back to Zion. Out of fear of course. I would never in a million years have expected to sleep with Jah, it just happened.

Jah was the same as Zion, but he did everything differently at the same time. They were both possessive of me, only something about Jah seemed more genuine than Zion.

I stepped from the taxi who had gathered me from the hospital and drove me all the way from Chicago to Atlanta. I'm sure this was the biggest trip and most money he had ever made while working.

Or at least I hoped so, because it took every drop of money I had left.

"Take care" I said to him, waving him off. He smiled and nodded off in his taxi. I looked around at the city I now resided in and planned to start my life.

I stood in front of a women's shelter that sat on the corner of the street. The building was brown with 2 vans parked along side the curb.

As I reached for the door, someone was walking out.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" The woman said while laughing. I nervously joined in on her laughter while moving my messy hair from my face.

"You're fine, do you know where the office is?" I asked. I looked into the building and noticed a couple of people including elderly & mothers walking from room to room.

"Oh yes it's pretty self explanatory. Are you new here?" She asked. The woman was beautiful. She was a darker shade, & you could tell she cared deeply about her skin routine. It was smooth, covered in a light layer of oil & clear of acne.

She wore a pair of white scrubs with pink & purple flowers printed everywhere on them & purple under garments. Her natural hair was in a high bun & she had little diamond earrings in her ears.

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