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"So let's play a old game"

Jario's POV

I woke up to the curtains being opened inside of my penthouse. I squinted my eyes trying to adjust to the brightness.

"Fuck is you on? Crack?" I asked sitting up. Jalon threw me a shirt & a gun.

"Brush yo teeth then get yo ass in the car" He demanded. I smacked my teeth and rubbed my eyes.

"Ghee what time is it? Ian ate or shit" I complained.

"Hurry up Mane. You back, I'm not in charge of running the joint now. Get on ya shit" He fussed.

I sighed but remained quiet. He was right. Since I been out I still haven't gotten on my shit. I basically just had the title of being boss but Jalon moved like the boss.

"Alright, I'll be down there. Gimmie 20" I said waving my arm to signal him to leave me some privacy. He left the room, Closing the door behind him leaving me by myself.

I looked at my clock that sat on my night stand seeing it was 1:30. "Slept in like a muhfucka, Yeah?" I said to myself.

Since I got out of jail I loved sleeping in. Being in jail waking up at the ass crack of the morning everyday got exhausting.

I threw my black thick & silky covers from myself and walked to my bathroom.

After doing my hygiene, I pulled my dreads to the back to let my fresh & straight line up show.

I lotined my hands and sprayed some cologne on, Grabbing one of my old phones since the other one was now shattered, then grabbed my keys to my Mercedes Benz that hung by my elevator.

I got into my car & crunk up while smiling. "Ain't drove this bitch in a minute" I said to myself but out loud.

I pulled from the dark parking garage and got into the road heading to the Warehouse.


"Make this shit quick Ian got all day" I stated, walking into the room where both a female & a male sat with their hands tied & mouths covered.

"Speak" I demanded snatching the tape from the manes mouth. He hissed a little then looked at me, As if I was scared or sum shit.

"Fuck you" He spat, Aggression in his voice.

"Ion wanna have to do you dirty right now Ghee. So I'll give you a minute to use ya fucking brain, Or I'mma blow dat bitch" I spat back.

I wasn't in the best of moods & my medicine was starting to wear off. Nigga needed to tread lightly with me.

I walked to the girl who sat there with mascara running down her face. Her hair was brown & curly all over her head.

"You are very beautiful" I said slowly pulling the tape from her mouth. She turned her face the opposite direction of me and began to shake, Like I was gonna touch her or sum.

"What? I do sum wrong?" I asked looking at Sir & Jalon who stood behind me. They both shook their heads no. I faced back her way and leaned closer.

"You got kids?" I asked. She continued to look the opposite way in fear, Making me grab her jawline and face her to me.

"You got kids?" I repeated.

She nodded her head up & down making me nod my head with her. The nigga smacked his lips catching my attention.

"Something you wanna tell me?" I asked letting go of the girls face.

"Don't tell em shit bout our kids" He fussed. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

"Ohhh. A family are we?" I asked.

She cried while looking down, Finally opening her mouth. "Please don't touch them" her voice spoke. Soft & pretty as shit.

"I'd never hurt a child...So let's play a old game" I grabbed a gun that sat on the desk behind me & walked to the girl.

"1 of 3" I stated. She looked at me in confusion, making Sir laugh a lil bitch.

"There's one bullet loaded and ready to shoot" I said pulling the ropes on the girls hands. I untied her and grabbed her arms pulling her to me.

"Dont touch her" the man said looking at me. We stood in front of him and I looked him directly in his face.

Raising the gun to her head with my finger on the trigger. I noticed He widened his eyes & began to pull as if he were gonna break from the ropes.

"No sir pleaseeeee" The girl began to cry & sob.

"If ya lil boyfriend lies, I pull the trigger"

"June don't lie" She cried while fiddling with her fingers.

"You hear that June? Don't lie" I joked smiling at her.

"You know what Zion looks like?" I asked looking him directly in his face. He looked at the ground and shook his head no.. Clearly telling the truth.

"Okay" I simply replied while nodding my head. The girl tensed down & begun to catch her breath, feeling relieved that he didn't lie.

"What area is his main workers located in?" I asked. He remained silent for a while, Leaving the girls sniffles as the only sound in the room.

"Speak nigga" Sir began to fuss. I looked at him, Giving him the face to shut the fuck up and let me handle it.

"He's located on the east side" He replied. He looked up at me as if he was confident in his reply, Then fiddled with his fingers.


I pulled the trigger causing the girl to pull & June to look at me in fear.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU COULD'VE KILLED MY WIFE" He began to yell. I pulled her back to me and looked at him.

"Next time don't lie to me bitch"

He gasped & his whole body structure change. The tough act he was putting on dropped & the real scared him revealed.

"Next question"


Vote & leave comments❤️ I'll start uploading two chapters instead of one❤️


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