Gone wrong?

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"Hello everybody! I'm glad you came to today's exercise!" Charlie said cheerfully.

Husk, Angel and sir Pentious where there. They couldn't find Niffty.

"You think I want to participate? I'm not tryin' to redeem myself." Husk scoffed

"Don't worry ,whiskers, I have to be here too!" Angel scooted closer to husk and put his hand on the cat's chest filled with fur. Husk knocked his hand away, crossed his arms and looked towards Charlie and Vaggie.

"Husk, you have to participate cause even the staff need to at least attempt to 'redeem' themselves, even just pretend, just for a good example for the others!" Vaggie explained.

"What otherssss? It'ssss just me and Angel!" Sir Pentious said.

"Anyways.. Let us start the exercise!" Charlie started "Story time! We're going to share a story with each other! It doesn't have to be happy or sad, just the biggest thing that happened in your life that's relevant to why you're like this now!"

"... Maybe not... the BIGGEST but a... thing.." Vaggie said (no one knows she's an angel yet).

"But, preferred the biggest! Husk, why don't you go first?"

"Oh you're fucking kidding me, why me?" Husk asked.

"Cause in the circle we're sitting in you're at the edge and then we can continue clockwise!" Charlie pointed at husk then did a clockwise motion with her hand to show what she meant.

"Why would you need to know the story of the bartender? Nothing.. Big ever happened in my life down here..."

"Oh sure you have! Like why you sold your soul to Alastor!" Vaggie suggested and crossed her arms.


"No" Husk got up and left. He always felt uncomfortable thinking about it. The only people who really know what happened is Alastor, Mimzy and Rosie and he didn't feel like telling anyone, ever.

"YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE!" Vaggie yelled.

"Well it sssseemss itsss Angel'sss turn"

"I could if ya like! But just a warnin', it ain't PG-"

"Aaaannd that's enough for today! Thanks for coming!" Vaggie chuckled sliding Charlie across the floor, away.

"But Vaggie! Sir Pentious hasn't even went yet!" Charlie complained.

The winged cat went back to the bar, getting his cheep booze to distract himself and the porn star sat down on one of the stools at the bar and the stared at the gambler, not saying a word to each other.


"Ya' gonna buy anythin'?" Husk finally spoke.

"Psh, nah not right now, kitty cat.. I'm just sittin' here-" Angel was cut of by ringing and vibrating in his 'bust' of fluff. He pulled out his hellaphone and picked up the phone. "What else does he have in there" Husk thought for a moment.

"Ye- ok Val- no no! That's not wha- Ok... I'll be right there.." Angel hung up the phone "I gotta go to work.. See ya' later handsome!" Angel blew off a kiss to husk while running off, then left the hotel. Husk just stopped then rolled his eyes and continued with his day.


"There you are!" Valentino exclaimed "You don't get paid to be late y'know!"

"I know, I'm sorry Val, I came as fast as I could! I just got stuck in traffic-" The spider defended.

"Does It look like I care? Now read this script and get to work!" Val pointed to the right and then Angel dust walked off into that direction.




~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now