I Iove him not you

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Sorry the next chapter is valentinos wrath I messed up

(Most of it is based off of a comic I saw on YouTube so credits to them, I'm not copying everything exactly it's just based off of it)

It's been days since Angel left for work, Husk was getting worried, but Charlie and Alastor kept him from leaving.

"Alastor, he's been gone for Lucifer knows how long! Something bad could have happened to him, so why won't you fucking let me leave!"
Husk growled (furry 🪿).
"We need you here to tend the bar, I'm sure he's fine, it's his fault anyways for selling his soul, you should understand! Now stop worrying your fuzzy head you about your little boyfriend and do your job" Alastor said, during it, he booped Huskers noes then flicked off his hat, the cat caught it with his tail and put it back, Lucifers he knows how to get on his nerves!

The doors swung open with an angry spider speed walking to his room.
"Angel! You're ok!" The ex-overlord said relieved!

Angel dust completely ignored him and run up the stairs.
They all sat there in silence.
"What?" Charlie said, confused.
"He just ran up there" Vaggie scratched her head.
"Not even a hi?" Pentious asked.

"Uhh boss, woul-"
"Yes yes, go ahead"
Husk walked up the stairs and went to the porn star's room, he waited a few seconds before knocking.




Still nothing.

"Angel, I know you're in there! I'm going to open the door." He put his hand on the fore knob and waited for an answer. Still, yet, nothing, "ok I'm going in- it's locked? Angel! Open the door!"

"No! Go away, you prick!" The pink demon mumbled through the door.

"Wh- please! I want to know what's going on!" The winged cat yelled.

"For satan's sake, why are you so annoying?"

Husk pickpocket the door open with his claw like fingers.

"Get out!" Angel dust threw a pillow at his face.

Angel looked like he was crying, his mascara was all ruined.
Husker looked at Angel's bed and saw a luggage.
"What? Are you going on vacation?" He walked over to the bed and stood next to the other demon.
"What are you doing in here"
"What are you doing-" He looked around the room to see almost everything gone. "You're moving?! Where?! Why?! But-"
"It's none of your business 'kitten' you don't have to be so involved, we got together like a week ago! Give me some space!"
"Two weeks ago actually! And you've been gone for a while.. I didn't know you felt that way.."
"Well maybe cause you never asked!"
"What is up with you?" Husk grabbed Angel's shoulder, the spider hissed (furry x2 🪿).
"Shit I have a bruise there!"
"Did Val do that? I swear I'm going to kill him! Tell me what's going on!"

"Don't hurt Val!"
"What?! What do you mean don't hurt him! Don't hurt him my ass!"
"I moving back with him, Husk" He shut his suitcase and wiped his eyes, they were getting teary again.
"Who? Val?! Why? Why would you want to go back to that abusing motherfucker?"
"Why do you go back to Alastor?"
"Cause I don't have a choice! Val can't control what you do outside of the studio!"
"Well I want to go back!"
"CAUSE I NEED HIM! Ok! I need him!"
"I don't understand, Angel!" He said concerned.
"What?" Husk took a step back.

Angel turned around so his back was facing Husker. "I love him ok! I need him! He makes me complete... he's the only one I love..."
"What? Angel you're... breaking my heart"
"Your heart? Wow so selfish of you to make this about you!"
"No! I- just tell me what's going on!"
"I'm going back with the man I love! Is it that hard to understand?!"
"Because he's abusive and you always bitch about him to me"
"Whatever! I'm leaving now!" He shut his suitcase and picked it up and started to walk away until Husk grabbed his hand and pulled his arm.
"Not on my watch.."

Angel kept trying to escape but Husk would always grab back. Angel grabbed an angelic dagger from under his dresser and held it in his hand.
"Wh- where did you get- AH!" Angel dust stabbed him right under his shoulder.
He tried to run away again but Husker never gave up. Even with a dagger stuck deep in his arm.
The bartender pulled him into a hug and eventually the spider stopped fighting back and sobbed in Husk's shoulder.

He walked the porn star to his bed and layed him down.
"I'm going to get you a glass of water.."
Angel nodded.

Husk ran down stairs and went behind the bar.
He already got the glass of water. He was poking at the dagger getting ready to pull it out.
"AHG! Shit! Alastor?!" Alastor pulled it out for Husk and layed it down on the bar top.
"I heard what happened... you know that's going to need stitches"
"I... I know... I'm worried for Angel... what happens when he was gone?"
"Did you lock the widow?"
"Why would I need to lock the window he's like on the 4th floor."
"This itsy bitsy spider climed down the water spout..."
"Down? It's up dumbass- wait ANGEL!"

He dropped the water and glass shattered on the floor, he ran up to room 69 and opened the door, a room with no spider...



Idk why it took forever to write


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now