I got a call

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"Angel!" Husk yelled.
"What did I do?" He asked, genuinely confused.
"You posted we're together on insta?!"
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't ask for your consent! Or is it cause of the description... bad picture?"
"I really don't give a shit about that stuff. What if Val sees?" The gambler said, slightly annoyed.
"Oh shit! You're right! I'll delete now" The bug picked up his phone and deleted it.
"We just need to pray he didn't already see it..." Husk said, his arms were starting to sting, it was probably infected cause of how dirty those cards were, Charlie also didn't do a great job cleaning it, she was too distracted by trying to help Husker feel better.

"Husk! HUSK!" Angel yelled, "you there?" He snapped his fingers in front of the shorter demon's face.
"Sorry! I was spacing out again, wasn't I..." Husker said, not making eye contact, rubbing his forearms.
"Oh... how are you feeling?" The porn star asked.
"It hurts.." The gambler said softly, looking down.
"Is that blood?" Angel moved his boyfriend's claw like fingers from his arms, "when was the last time you changed the bandages?"
"When Charlie put them on.."
"WHAT?!" The spider yelled. "That was like forever ago!"
"It was three days ago" He confirmed
"EXACTLY! Where are the first aid kits?"

Husk just shrugged.
"Ill be right back, whiskers! Don't go anywhere!"


The pink demon ran down the stairs with the first aid kit and ran to the bar.
"Gimmie your arm!"
He didnt even wait for an answer before grabbing Husker's arm and rolling up the sleeve, it was basically all red.
"HUSK! This is just gross"
"Whhaaaaat, you know I'm too lazy to change them.." (just like how Im too lazy to write a lot)
Angel took them off and replace both of them then got a call from Val.
"Hey... what? Nono! But its my day off- please.. We can fi- this movie means everything to me and you know that- fine..." He hung up and the cat was not pleased, he wanted to go over there to the porn studio and punch Val in the face.


Ive lost motivation to write :(

Sorry for short chapter :(

Next chapter is Valentino's wrath so angst coming up ♥️♥️♥️


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now