Husk the porn star

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(I've been waiting to do this chapter 🤩 😩)

"Ahh, Husker!" Valentino chuckled as Husk walked in, there were a lot of... naked people. Husk was completely unbothered and just walked in and went up to Val.

"I'm here, now the fuck do you want?" The cat rolled his eyes.

"Now you're going to do as I say, mk? Here read this script" The bald moth handed him a few papers.

"I didn't bring my glasses." Husk started "I can't read with out them... Oh well... what are ya goin' to do about it."

"Then fucking improvise" The purple porn director yelled.

2 big men (BWAHAHAHHA) walk into the set, room, thing, idk, and towered over husk in the bed..

"Oh no, don't hurt me" The winged demon said sarcastically and in a monotone voice.

One of the guys went to grab Husker's arm but when he did, as a reflex, Husk chopped his neck causing the actor to pass out.

"FUCKING CUT" The moth yelled "What was that?! Uhg you're worse than I thought."

"Did I mention I suck at acting?" The drunkard chucked teasingly, he didn't fear Val. The only people he feared were Lucifer and Alastor.

"No! Now at least try! Or pretend like it's real or some fucking shit! And no more hurting the actors, you're lucky we have backup" The Vee commanded

"Oh you gotta be fucking kiddin' me! I thought I was done" Husk crossed his arms.

"You're done when I'm satisfied, ok?"

"I'm not scared of you, you cunt!"


Val slapped Husker across the face then grinned.

"Wow... By the way Angel says it I thought you're hits would be harder!" Husk smirked, he seemed to be unaffected from the slap. It wiped the smile right off the bald guy's face, he was getting pissed.

"The hell- Whatever go back on scene and do your job fuckhead" Valentino scoffed.

Husk sat back down on the bed in the set. He coughed 'pussy' but Val didn't hear him.


Before Husk was able to say anything or any lines he was tackled and pinned on the bed.

"The fuc-" The actor cut him off with a kiss

Husk wanted to kill himself right then and there, he was super uncomfortable.

Val's grin on his face grew wider as he watched the cat moan and begged for it to stop, he didn't think he'd ever meet someone who hated sex so much. The scene continued and tears fell out of poor Husker's eyes. He moaned for air, he never thought that this day would ever happen, being fucked by two different guys that he didn't even know. How does Angel do It all and enjoy it?

"AANNND CUT!" the Vee sounded please from the performance. The two other actors left the set leaving Husk by himself, curled up in a ball, shivering and crying.

"What a wonderful performance~" Valentino teased

"F-fuck off, Val" The gambler quivered.

"Remember who's the boss here~" The moth chuckled.

"I said Fuck Off!" Husker snapped.

"What did you say?" The heart glasses over lord was visibly pissed.

"I said fuck off you bald ass bitch-"

"That's it! Meet me in Angel's office!" Val snapped.

Husk just shrugged and walked in after a few minutes of calming down.

He was interrupted by a slap in the face.

"Wow even when you're pissed you're weak as fuck!" Husk chuckled.

Val spent minutes trying to hurt husk but he kept using his wings to doge some things or would make fun of his weakness.

"What makes you tick- hold on!"

"What? You got an idea? Don't tell me you have less of a brain then you have hair" The winged cat teased.

Valentino just started laughing, not at the joke, at his idea. Husker was confused and let his guard down, he watched the porn detector laugh his ass off, he's mental. The bartender thoughts were cut off by being jumped on and pushed on the couch and his arms were pinned down.

"If I can't hurt you, then I'll fuck you so hard you'll need a wheel chair to walk" Val laughed like a insane psycho, which he is.

"I don't think that's necessary-"

So yeah they fucked and it was not awsome :(


Husk made it back to the hotel and went straight to the bar.

"Give me my drink" He demanded.

"Did Val really hit you that hard?" Angel asked weakly, passing the cat his cheep booze.

"Fuck no, that bald ass bitch is weak as fuck! But he did fuck me and I hated it" The winged cat complained, "how are you doing-"

Angel dust collapsed on the floor "how the fuck do ya' do it, whiskers" he coughed. "And hide it so well, I'm so sorry" he said with very little energy, about to pass out.

"Why don't I walk ya' to bed, legs, how does that sound?"

"Good" the spider sighed.


OoP- next chapter is about how it goes with Angel ♥️♥️♥️


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