Valentino's fault (2/2)

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(Thx so much to everyone who reads ♥️♥️♥️)

"Angel! What the actual fuck?" Vaggie said angrily as she entered his room.
"Vaggie!" Charlie said.
"Oh sorry, Angel, respectfully, what the actual fuck" she said more calmly.
"Vaggie" she said anoyed, "can't you see he's crying too!"
"Not as bad as Husk!"
"Oh fucked up didn't I?" Angel dust sobbed "I fucked up real bad" he snuggled his pig and sobbed into his knees. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorr-"
"Don't say that to us say that to Husk!"
"Stop that! Angel... tell me what going on.. I know something's up and you would never do something... well you'd never want to hurt Husk in anyway..." Charlie said calmly walking up to the sobbing spider.
"Oh, it's Valentino's fault! It's all his fault! I hate him so much! I woulda said yes if it weren't for Val! Oh I hate him!" He yelled.
Charlie sat down on his bed and held two of his hands. "Tell me... tell me why it's Val's fault! I can't help if I don't know!" She said in a soothing voice, it's very comforting.
"He'll do bad stuff" his voice was turning shaky "if I date anyone. Bad stuff! To me and Husk! I don't want him hurt! I don't want him double dead!"
"Oh, Angel, I understand, you just want to protect him"
He nodded his head while holding onto her hands and the other two snuggling fat nuggets.
They also spent around an hour comforting him.
"Angel you have to tell him!" Charlie stated.
"What if he hates me?" He asked.
"He doesn't!"
"What if he do-"
"HE DOESNT!" Vaggie yelled
Charlie stared at her.
"Sorry, babe! It's just, this situation is just, it's confusing me, you like eachother and it- I'll shut up now..." Vaggie rubbed the back of her neck.
"How do I tell him, 'hey Val doesn't like when I date, I fucking love you'?" The spider said sarcastically.
"It's a start! Why not 'hey, I'm so sorry on what I said, I just didn't know how to explain at the time, I like you back, I really do, it's just Valentino doesn't let me date, I should have told you straight away, maybe we can find a way to make us work'?"
"Yeah, som'n like that...that sounds good" he chuckled and felt guilty, the two girls told him how Husk reacted and the stuff he said.

They stayed and talked in his room for a few more minutes. Angel left to go to Husker's room.
"Damn babe... you should be a therapist!"
"Awhh you, and they needed it! I'm glad to help!"
It's cold and my fingys hurt ☹️


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now