Valentino's fault (1/2)

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"No!" Angel said angrily.
"Right, no, I was stupid to think someone would like me..." Husk put on a fake smile and chucked softly then took a drink from his booze.
Angel ran up to his room sobbing.
"I fucked up nugz"

Husk usually just drank his normal cheep booze, but he needed something stronger, way stronger, he took a clear bottle with a clear liquid, he didn't know what it was he just knew it was strong (idk anything about alcohol).
He had 17 fucking bottles.
He was whimpering on the floor of the bar and crying, he was numb and forgot everything but what Angel told him, why just that he remembered, he was drinking to forget yet he could never forget that. He couldn't speek or walk but the pain was still there.
"Husker! Those bottles are for ge- what happened?" Alastor asked
"Haaaaaa" the cat whined on the floor.
"Umm... do you want.. Me to get you to your bed?" He asked, he wasn't good at comforting in any way.
"Yeeeee" Husker sobbed and mumbled weakly.
Al snapped his fingers and the bartender was dropped on his bed. He finished his 18th drink then passed out.


"No!" Angel said angrily.
"Right, no, I was stupid to think someone would like me..." Husk put on a fake smile and chucked softly then took a drink from his booze.
Angel ran up to his room sobbing.
"I fucked up nugz, what do I do? I rejected the man I loved but if I end up with him Val will... he would kill him! It doesn't matter if he's 'weak' but he has his whores, guns, and the other Vees! And not to mention what he'd do ta me!" Angel dust whined in fear, the pig waddled over to him and snuggled him. "I think he hates me now... I should just avoid him, he probably doesn't even want to look at me anymore... he opened up his feelings for me... he always told me he hated feeling his emotions and hated love... oh I fucked up bad fat nuggets, I'm so sorry Husk, it's Valentino's fault!" He sobbed into his legs.
"Oh nugz, I loved him! I loved him so fucking much!"


~The next day~

"Ahh fuck! My head" Husk mumbled weakly. "How did I get here? What happened- oh.... Right..." he said softly before starting to sob again, Al left him a note saying that he had the day off and 'don't get used to it' but he meant well.
He went to his mini fridge and pulled out his normal cheep booze. His heart was aching and his legs were numb. He stared at the ceiling repeating the moment in his head
"Am I over reacting? It's not like anyone would like me or even fucking care for me... the world hates me and I hate myself. There's so escaping this kind of pain, I want to forget, I want the pain to go away, GO FUCKING AWAY!"
He stared at his forearms. He took out one of the playing cards he uses to fight with. He held it for a few seconds before stabbing himself with no hesitation. And another one and another one and on the other side too. He took them all out and laid in his now bloody bed.
"I deserve this"


He just mumbled while still sobbing.

"Husk? Are you I there? It's Charlie!"
"Don't come in" he said while sniffing and trying to catch his breath.
"Husk are you ok?"
"... No" he started breaking down and sobbing even harder "I'm not fucking ok"
"Husk?! I'm coming in!"
She opens the door and saw him laying on his bed with cuts on his arms and a bunch of empty bottles of alcohol.
"What the hell?" She asked "What happened? What happened to your arms?"
"I did this.. that's not why I'm crying" He said.
"Wh- why- if you're comfortable with me asking, why are you then?" The princess asked softly and sat on the bed.
"I was stupid" he said while sobbing in a shaky voice, "so fucking stupid to think anyone would love me... I'm an idiot"
"I asked out Angel and he said no" He cried into hands full of blood.
"Oh my gosh, Husk I'm so sorry!" She gave him a hug "I'm sure there's a reason why, he cares a lot about you, maybe it's because of Val. But don't say that, you're braveness to actually tell anyone how you feel... you should be proud of that, and facing your fears of emotions, you now know for next time-"
"Never to love again!"
"No! No no! That you can face your fears and you can learn to love, it may take a while to feel better and it might hurt, but it's ok to cry, it's ok to let it all out, just don't let this effect your future, or things will just get worse. You're not stupid, nor an idiot, you're brave and I'm proud of you"
Husk hugged her back, he needed this, he needed someone to care for him, even if it where just for a few seconds.
"Now let me take care of these cuts" Charlie said softly.
The cat nodded and they went I the bathroom, she cleaned them then started to put bandages on.
"Y'know, Husk, you don't have to hurt yourself after these things, you're hurt enough, I don't understand why people do this kind of stuff"
"I deserved it-"
"No you didn't!"


"Charlie? You in there? Everything ok" Vaggie asked behind the door.
"You ok if she comes in?" The princess asked.
The bartender nodded his head, still crying.
"Come in!"

Vaggie walked in Husker's room and went to the bathroom "babe, what's going- husk! What in the world?" She asked worried
Morningstar looked at him and he nodded.
"He got rejected by Angel dust" she whispered.
"No way- oh, Husk, I'm so sorry-"
"Don't be" He cried and sniffed while Charlie was tending his wounds.
"She can be! Stop saying things like that!" The princess demanded in a worried tone.
They spent around an hour comferting him before leaving to go to Angel dust room to ask him about it.

Gotta love that angst ♥️

I'm sorry... for the short chapters.

I'm feeling happy today so they need to suffer! >:3 imagine what I'd do on a bad day...

STAY FRESH <3 (does anyone else here play splatoon??)

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