What do couples do?

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"What's going on...?" Husk mumbled. "Angel?! What's going on? Why are you in my bed I thought-"
"Don't tell me you don't remember..." Angel dust said softly while waking up. "I have to explain everything, and maybe re say my apologie"

~Later after Angel explained to Husk~

The two walked down stairs and Husk went to the bar and Angel sat down one of the stools, Husk was wearing a shirt due to the bandages on his arms, he didn't want anyone else to find out.


"What are couples supposed to do" The spider whispered.
"Why are you asking me?" The winged cat whispered back.
"Why are we whispering?" The pink demon scratched his head.
"I'm whispering cause you're whispering." The alcoholic laughed quietly.

Charlie and Vaggie where watching them from the couch. Vaggie was laughing and keeping Charlie from jumping over there.

"Wait, just cause we're together does NOT mean we can fuck just yet" Husker confirmed.
"Don't worry, I'm not a person who fucks on the first night anyways."
"Really? You? Wow..."
"Is it really that hard to believe?"
"Very!" Husker crossed his arms and laughed.

"Shit I gotta go ta' work! C'ya handsome!" Angel Dust ran off while waving.
The cat stared at him with love in his eyes as his new boyfriend ran off, Charlie was chuckling, then decided to go talk to him.

"You guys are so cute" The princess sat down on a bar stool.
"Oh, fuck off" The alcoholic blushed and his face turned red.
"I'm going to annoy you with it for a while!" The blond girl laughed.
"Great" Husker playfully rolled his eyes.


"There you are Angel! Today is the big day, ok! If you do good on this film then I'll reward you" The moth coode.
"Of course Val, just for you." Angel fake smiled, but he was exited, this movie is very important and it had other stars, it won't be some radome shit porn, it's a full movie with plot, they won't finish in one day, but they're filming most today, they called it 'pink lust'.

After a hard day of filming the spider was called to Val's room...

"Great job, Angel cakes" He flirted "Now's time for your reward as promised~"
"Yay" He layed down on the bed and stared at the floor. Did he really want this? Not at all! But, Val thought he did so he played along, it's the thought that counts, right?

Val started to undress them both, the thin pink demon stared lifelessly at the ceiling as he was pin down....


Angel dust opened the door to the hotel before collapsing on the floor.
"Oh my gosh, Angel!" Husk jumped over the bar and ran to him, Charlie and Vaggie ran over too.
The bartender picked the weakend porn star on the floor. "What the fuck happened, did Val.... Did he drug you?!" He yelled, the spider passed out in the drunk cat's arms.
"You sure?" The hotel's founder asked.
"I think."
"You should get him to his room" The gray moth suggested.

Husker nodded his head and away he went. He placed him on his heart shaped bed and sat down next to the drugged spider. He stared at him for a while, the winged demon didn't know what to do, he didn't want to leave him alone so he slept there for the rest of the night, and snuggled his new lover.


"HUSK!" A static voice called. "You're 2 hours late! WAKE UP!" Alastor yelled.
"Wh... what?" He was starting to wake up."Where's Angel?"
"Downstairs! Eating breakfast! Or maybe he's done! But you're late so get you lazy ass down there right now!"
"Wow, who pissed in your cereal?" He mumbled.
"Actually, I had some rotten deer, not cereal!" The cannibal corrected.

"Angel!" Husker said while walking down the stairs and seeing his new boyfriend laying on the couch, "What happened last night?" He took some of his booze from behind the counter and took a swig from it.
"Dunno... it's all a blurr"
"Where you drugged?" The tired cat asked calmly.
"Pfft! No- wait... shit! You're right! Before Val fucked me, he drugged me!" The twink put a had on his head and remember fragments of last night.
"He what?"
"It's like a prize, I do good, I get fucked!"
"Do you like it?" He asked hesitantly, he didn't want an answer he didn't want, don't ask questions you don't want the answers to.
"I used to, but that was a long time ago... LONG time... he still thinks I do, but I don't have the balls to say anything."
"Tell him-"
"Whiskers, I can see you're jealous, if ya want to fuck me, just say so, after all, it ain't the first night anymore~" He teased.
"Hard pass!" Husk chuckled. "You seem fine..."
"My head is aching, my legs are numb and my stomach is turning, but luckily I'm an actor!"
"You can be real with me you know"
"That's sweet but I feel better about myself too when I do this... it distracts me from the pain"
(I didn't pay attention in drug class for health and I don't do drugs so idk what I'm doing)
Angel grabbed his partners hands "don't worry about me!" He moved his hands to Husk's arms and started to rub them, but the cat winced in pain and grabbed Angel's hand.
"Please don't touch me there" The alcoholic asked calmly.
"Right! Sorry, I forgot.." He removed his pink gloved hands and scratched the back of his head.
"It's fine" Husk chuckled.


I wrote this on the plain ☹️

I wanted to write more but then I accidentally fell asleep for most of it, we were like a bit less then ¼ then out of nowhere there was only one 1hr left! The flight was like 14hrs long too 😭😭

Also I found some funny shit from last year about genshin, I had NO CHILL I was down right disrespecting them in every way but it's funny! And I found other funny shit too, it's all unfinished but I might post it anyways, it doesn't matter if you know the characters or not but the insults are insane!

Oop I wrote a lot...


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now