Lights, camera, ac- fuck mornings!

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"What are ya' going ta me~?" Angel said hopelessly "Or are ya gonna-"
"Gonna? Umm.."
"CUT! Fucking idiot! Angel this is the 7th time! Get your shit together ok?" The overlord with heart shaped glasses spoke.
"Sorry boss..." Angel sighed.
"And... ACTION!"


The spider wobbled weakly to the bar and sat down slowly. "Heya, shugar, pour me a drink and surprise me, just make it hard!"
"Rough day at work?" The alcohol addict asked while pouring him a drink then handing it to him.
"Fuck off.."
Husk sighed "Sellin' your soul ain't fun.. And I know but ya just gotta make the best of it-"
"Whatever! Alastor doesn't do shit to you!"
"Hey! I'm just tryin' to be nice for once! Anyways, there's a lot you don't know. That bald moth only owns you half time!"
"Yeah but every second he gets, he beats the shit out of me! The only thing that Alastor fucks with you is just annoying you! I'd pay thousands of moola to switch places with you!"
"You're askin' something that you don't even understand..."
"It's nice chatting with ya but I need to catch some Zs!" Angel got up, threw his half-drunken drink at the counter top of the bar, and left, it smashed and glass went everywhere. Niffty was in her room, probably writing wired fanfics, so husk had to clean up.

~the next day~




"Fuuuuucck" Husk mumbled and clicked snoozed for the 5th time, since he was a cat he loved sleeping, he's also very lazy so he hates waking up early. He usually does wake up on time cause of the strict routine Alastor specifically gave him to annoy him. He really didn't feel like getting up at all. He laid there for a while.












"Husker! You should have been awake one hour and a half ago! What's going on?" The Radio demon spawned in his room and turned off the clock.
"Well I-"
"I don't care! Get up!" Alastor's grin grew wider and his eyes grew thinner and quintied his mad eyes at Husk.
"But you asked- ok boss.." The cat demon sighed and got up, "Fucking asshole, shithead! can't he just fucking fuck off? FUCK! He's such a dick!" The bartender thought.

He went down stairs and yawned. He went to the kitchen. He always gets up before everyone else to open up the bar, then everyone gets up and all of them eat breakfast in the kitchen together. This time everyone is already there. It seems Vaggie just started making food. They have certain rules for food, no bacon or sausage etc when Angel is there cause of fat nugz. And no eggs like scrambled, boiled, etc. but if it's inside something they they can make it, this is cause of Pentious's egg boiz.

"Husk! You're finally awake!" Charlie said.
Husk just mumbled, he didn't feel like socializing at the moment. He went to the coffee maker and poured a cup, then after, he put some liquor in his mug with coffee that read 'Fuck Monday's' (he's so real for that). He sat down in his usual spot next to Niffty and Angel.

"Why ya' up so late, kitty?" Angel purred and put one of his hands on Husk's face.
The bar cat was too tired and lazy do anything about it, so he just ignored it and took a sip out of his mug.
"Oh, so you like it, don't ya' whiskers. I can do way more then just that-" Angel flirted until the gambler got up and sat in a different seat, then just grumbled. "I hate this, I wish I could fucking leave goddamit. Why was I forced to do this?" Husk thought. Then he remembered that him and Angel got into a fight last night. The spider was acting like nothing happened. It mustn't have been a big deal then.


I wrote most of this chapter on my phone 😭😭😭
Anyways this chapter I think was longer then the last.


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now