Valentino's wrath

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(I'm losing motivation to write but eventually it will come back. sorry for not updating)


He was wearing his earbuds in and it was playing 'washing machine heart' by Mitski sped up on a loop (I DO THAT ALL THE TIME I LOVE THAT SONG SMSMMSMSMSM) while running back to the studio with his luggage. He didn't know why Husk was trying to stop him so badly, or why he couldn't figure out why or how they fell in love. All he could think about was Valentino, he thought it was a feeling of love but really it was fear, pain and sadness covered with fake love and lies. He knew him and Husk had some sort of connection but he couldn't remember.

When he walked through the doors of the studio he was greeted by Val.

"Ahhh, darling you made it back safe~ oh my look at your make up, we need that fixed. I'm so glad you decided to move back!" The moth said with joy and enthusiasm.
"Of course boss.. fuck I missed it here... I think" the spider couldn't remember certain of his memories but he didn't think much of it.
"Come on now, my super star, let's get you to your old room, and call me... daddy"
"Yes, daddy" he said softy and tired from his day and running, taking out his ear buds.


"No... fuck! Please no.." he sobbed in his hands and dropped to his knees on the floor.


Husk looked over to the corner of the room. Fat nuggets was shaking nervously in the corner.
"Nugs?" The cat stood up and walked over to the pet pig and picked him up.
"He left you. If what happened before didn't give it away this is definitely wired, he'd never leave you." He hugged him and continued, "I'll bring him back as soon as I can, I'll try my best!"
Husk quickly wrapped his arm in a bandage and ran downstairs again.

He got to the bottom floor and sprinted to the door.
"Husker! Where in the world do you think you're going?!" Alastor stopped him.

"To save Angel! I don't fucking care what you say I'm go-"

"Without me"

"Best shit I ever heard you say! Now let's go!"

Alastor teleported both of them to the outside of the studio.
"Alastor... why aren't we in there?"
"Dramatic effect, bitch!"

Alstor smashed down the door with his magic things tentacles green black shit what not.
Everyone inside was coughing.
"MY DOOR! Oh it's you" the moth cunt rushed over to the sound.
Angel ran over too and also said "oh it's him"
"Alastor... Husk... get out of my studio"

"We will! And we're leaving with Angel!" Husk said.
"But he doesn't want to leave~ he's happy here with me!"
"That's bullshit! You must have gave him a potion or something!"
"HUSK!" The spider yelled "I don't love you ok! I never did"
"What about-"
"When he confessed back to you, Charlie told him to lie about it so he could make you feel better~ he told me everything!" The porn detector took a step forward and pulled out his gun "now get out"
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Alastor joined in,"Charlie would never tell someone to do something like that!"

Val shot the gun and Husk used his wings to cover. Alastor attacked Val and the bartender ran to Angel.

"We need to go!" Husk grabbed the porn stars wrist.
"I don't want to!" He took his arm back and pushed him.
"Why not!" He asked, getting frustrated.
"Why won't you leave me alone!"
"Because I love you and I care for you so much!"
"If you did then you'd leave me alone! You'd respect my boundaries and respect my decision! You'd be ok and supportive with my decision!" He made a fair point but Husk didn't want to believe it was. And in some cases it wasn't. That's what Angel truly wanted. Not what Anothy truly wants.

Husk took a step back and was about to say something then was cut off.

"Val what is goi- OH MY! Alastor! I see you came to battle your biggest rival! Vox!" Vox was going down the stairs to the studio and spotted Al.
"You? My biggest rival? Oh please you'd wish! And anyways I'm not here for you, I'm here to get Angel" The Radio Demon replied.
"What? But you love fighting me!"
"Honestly, I forgot you existed at some point!"
"Well- I umm... forgot you existed too!"
"That's a lie" the bald moth said, "he talks about you 24/7"



Sorry I've been busy so updates are slow I also ran out of motivation but out of nowhere I was hit with motivation so I took it to my advantage!


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