Never to love again

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The next day they both got up and left Angels room. Husk was wide awake cause off his plan to finally ask out Angel, the spider, was very tired.

The cat went and opened bar, the porn star went off to work and Husker spent the rest of they day planning what he was going to say...

"Maybe I can leave a note! No what if someone else finds it..."
"I fucking love you- no way!"
"Hell might suck, but being with you makes it feel like heaven, ew cringe"
"Why is love so hard? I closed up all my emotions and now I finally feel them again, I don't understand what to do... I fucking suck at this..."
"Maybe this was a bad idea... what if he rejects me? I don't want to ruin our friendship, we're best friends! But, he's only ever have been flirting with me since day one, he must like me back, right? It's ok, I won't have to go though the pain of rejection if I ask him!"

He made an extra special drink for Angel it was pink and had glitter for drinks in it. He waited for the spider to get back from work.

He walked through the front door. And went to the bar.

"H-how was work?" Husk asked as his heart raced faster.
"Good actually! What did you tell Val? He's like broken!" Angel laughed.
"Y-yeah.. I umm I made t-this for you" The bartender passed over the drink.
"Thanks! Ohh~ what is this"
"Extra special for you.."
"Awhh~ really whiskers? You're so sweet!"
"Actually there.. there's something I wanna say..."
"Spill it shuga"
"I have been... thinking about it for a while... a long while actually" he paused "this hotel... it's something alright! And when I first got here and I wanted nothing to do with it, but when me and you got to know each other, it felt... it felt better and maybe this place isn't that bad... what I'm trying to say is that, I like you, I really, really like you, would you go out with me" Husk said waiting for an answer.




STAY FRESH <3 (or don't we dont care)


~Stuck in chains~ Huskerdust Angst fanficWhere stories live. Discover now