❖That Nostalgic Feeling❖

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The ex-boyfriend, Tsukishima Kei. The amnesia girl, (L/N) (Y/N). The childhood friend (also an ex-boyfriend), Kageyama Tobio. As these three look at each other, can they really go back to the way things were?

I laugh at her when she said that. "Whatever. I don't care. We're no longer dating after all." I walk away, with Yamaguchi following me, internally laughing how she slapped me. It was just like a while back, when you guys were dating. You two didn't get along much and even had a fight that you had slapped him. Maybe things weren't too different. It's just that you couldn't remember.

After practice, I walked out of the gym with Yamaguchi following from behind.

"Tsukki-" he was just about to say.

Suddenly a girl, out of no where, jumped in front of me, with eyes looking like no, or pretending to be cute. It annoyed me as I waited her to say something.

"Tsukishima-kun.. Can I talk to you alone?" the female said, looking at Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi scurries away, probably thinking he was the third wheel. "Um..! I heard that you don't have a girlfriend anymore. And.. um.. What I'm trying to say is... I like you!"

I sigh, answering her question, "No thanks. I don't even know you and just because I ended a relationship doesn't mean I'm going to start another one."

"Ah, you're right. I'm sorry to bug you." she said, as she started to cry. She runs off and again I sigh. 'That sure wasted my time.' I look to my right to see Yamaguchi's shoe, hiding, or listening to the conversation. I also saw a (hair/color) strand of hair that shifted back.

"Yamaguchi. (Y/N). Don't you guys know that its rude to listen in to a conversation?" I asks. 'Wait. Probably not (Y/N). She had just lost her memories.' I internally laugh again. Yamaguchi comes out of hiding, letting out a small chuckle. I look at Yamaguchi, waiting for (Y/N) to step behind him. "(Y/N) , I know you're hiding. Come out."

❖❖❖ You left Kageyama to change at the clubroom and felt like going for a stroll around the classroom. You see Yamaguchi, like he was watching something interesting. Interested, you decided to sneak up on him.

"Um.." you said, tapping his back.

"Woah!" he reacted with a loud whisper but not loud enough for whoever he was watching, to hear. "(L/N)..?"

"Um.. Yama..?" you said, having trouble to remember the freckled boy's name.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi." he introduced, smiling.

"What are you doing?" you ask, peeking at whatever he was looking at.

"I like you!" a girl said. You quickly turn back, with your cheeks somewhat pink. You slowly look back at the girl confessing to the blonde hair boy you hate so much. 'Ehhhhhhh?! Did she I like to you to him?!' You turn back to Yamaguchi.

"Yamaguchi-kun, what does like mean? In your own definition?"

"Someone that you're attracted to? I guess?" he said, sounding unsure.

'That's what I thought. Then why him?' you didn't knew about liking someone but the heart still remembers. You move back and jumped when he had called your name. But you didn't budge. The second time Tsukishima calls you, you sigh and walk behind Yamaguchi, like you were hiding from Tsukishima.

"How did you know?"

"Hair." he answers, pointing at your (hair/color) (hair/length) hair. Your cheeks turns to a slightest pinkish color and when he smiled its as if your cheeks turn red. You didn't know why but it felt nostalgic to you. "Come on." he said. You didn't knew if you should take a step. But you did. You smile without you realizing it. You didn't know why you followed him. Probably, you were hoping to walk down memory lane.


This is the sequel to Hate&Love [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]. Please read the first book to understand this one.

Let's Go Back [Kageyama x Amnesia!Reader x Tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now