❖Change for Owe❖

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"I got extra change.." you said, looking at the coins. "I need to give him his change.."

        "(L/N)-san, why are you talking to yourself?" Hinata asks.

        "Ack! Uh, I was just spacing off." you lied, smiling nervously.

        "Where's Kageyama?" Hinata asks, tilting his head, seeing if he was behind you.

        "He went to grab lunch." you said, smiling no longer feeling nervous. "Anyway, I got to go do something. If Kageyama-kun is looking for me, tell him, I'm doing an errand."

        You walk to Tsukishima's classroom, letting out a big sigh. You felt nervous that your hand was trembling a bit. 'Why are you so nervous? Calm yourself! It's not like anything is going to happen.. I'm just here to repay him!' Just when you were feeling more comfortable, you open the door to see another boy opened it for you.

        "Hey, aren't you from the volleyball club?" the boy asks. You slowly nod, taking a step back. "Eh!? Really!? You know the third year that graduated last year, Kiyoko-san? Surely, you must be friends with her! Can you introduce her to me?"

        You were feeling intimated. All you just wanted to do is to check to see if Tsukishima was in the classroom. You look behind the boy and see that Tsukishima nor Yamaguchi wasn't in the room. You look at the boy, then look down to the ground.

        "You don't have to be shy! I just want to ask her something!" the boy said. He looks annoyed all of a sudden, probably because you weren't answering him. "Hey! Are you listen-"

        "What are you doing?" a voice asks. You look at where the voice came from. It was Tsukishima who grab the boy's arm who was just about to touch you. "Were you just trying to put a move on her?"

        "N-No! I was-"


        "Just what?" he asks. The blonde looks around at the people around you guys. Tsukishima show a small smile but a devilish smile. "Guess what. You're causing a scene. I think its about time you should leave." As the boy leaves, Tsukishima lets out a small chuckle. He looks at you and sighs. "What do you want?"

        "Um.. Here you go." you said, giving him the change.

        "I didn't ask for the change. You didn't have to pay me, you know." Tsukishima said.

        "No! That's no good at all! I wanted to pay you back!" you yelled. He sighs once more and takes it. Tsukishima smiles at you, flicking your forehead.

        "Idiot." You could see his smile was gentle. Why does his smile pulls you in? You didn't understand. Why was your face felt so hot? Why is it that everyone tells you to stay away from him when he is making you feel fluttery inside. You stomach started to growl. He starts to laugh at you. "Are you hungry?" He pause for a moment and looks at you annoyed. "This isn't your lunch money, right?"

        "N-No!" you said, shaking your head, countlessly. "I got extra money!"

        He could tell you were lying. "Here." he said, giving you the money back. "You need to eat."

        "But this is yours. And I just said I got extra money!" you said, shaking your head again.

        "You're so easy to read." Tsukishima said.


        "Stop being so stubborn." he said, sighing. "How about this? I don't need money, right now. You can take the money so you can eat. In exchange for the money, you owe me a favor, kay?"

        "Fine!" you said, taking the money, and running away.

        "(L/N)-san!" Hinata said. You run towards Hinata and to Kageyama, who was standing right next to him. "Finished with your errand?"

        You nod, looking down. Kageyama looks at you suspicious. "Were you with him again?" You flinch and nod again. Hinata looks at you unable to say anything.

        "I'm going to buy some bread!" you said, running off.

        "Hinata." Kageyama said, looking annoyed. "I know you've been telling her not to hang out with Tsukishima but that isn't what I want. If she wants to hang out with him, she can. He makes her smile like that so its fine. I can't forgive him if he hurts her again though. That guy already said he doesn't have any feelings for (Y/N). It's okay if they can be friends."

        "Aren't you afraid if (L/N)-san might fall in him though? If you aren't too careful, then she might get taken away."

        "I know that." Kageyama said, looking angry. "But I don't want her to cry again."

Let's Go Back [Kageyama x Amnesia!Reader x Tsukishima]Where stories live. Discover now