The Run in

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'The Avengers' wasn't as great as usual. After Adam left, you decided to take a nap. That didn't work out.
"Hey crab sack." Percy said softly.
You pulled the covers off your face.
"Hi fish bag." You said.
"How are you doing?" He asks. You yawn.
"Okay, I guess."
"Why aren't you outside with Leo?" He asks
"I may ask the same thing to you."
Percy sighs. "Calypso is here." He says glumly.
"You answered your question for yourself."
Percy takes a deep breath. "Come on let's be strong and go out there." You roll your eyes.
"Okay...." You said.
"I mean she is beautiful!" Percy muttered. Your eyes widened.
"ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT CALYPSO?" You yelled. He blinked.
"I... I don't know.." Percy stuttered.
You face palmed.
"Come on Percy." You groaned pulling him outside the cabin.
"Oo. There's Annabeth. Bye (y/n)!" Percy said.
You looked around. 'Maybe I'll go to the beach.' You where walking and staring at Calypso at the same time. She seemed to by trying to flirt with Adam. He kept walking away. You sighed. And then fate picked the wrong moment to make you bump into Leo.
You both muttered sorry still paying attention to the reason you bumped into each other.
You both looked at each other.
"Hi." You whispered.
It soon became an awkward silence.
"I'm sorry." Leo said sadly.
"For what?" You said even though you already knew what for. You just wanted him to say it. He sighed
"For making everyone believe I was dead." He said looking at his feet.
"I guess that makes you the worst boyfriend in history." You said. Leo groaned which caused you to laugh.
"I doubt you've noticed Calypso trying to.. Flirt with Adam.." You said looking at Calypso who was holding Adam's wrist staring into his eyes while he squirmed trying to get away. You laughed. Just imagine a buffish guy squirming to get away from a girl. What you didn't notice was that Leo was staring at you and wishing he never left you. Then Calypso started getting... Touchy with Adam.
"Oooo kay." You said angrily walking away from Leo to help Adam pry Calypso of him.
"Go touch your own boyfriend!" You yelled at Calypso. She flipped her hair.
You glared at her as she walked away to flirt with other guys. Adam rubbed his nail indented arm. You frowned.
~at lunch~
Percy was shoving blue cookies in his mouth. You just sat there with a smile on your face watching Percy gobble down his cookies with blue stuff allover his face. You started laughing. Your laughter faded when you heard the 'click clack click clack' of high heels.

Leo Valdez x reader Flame of JealouslyWhere stories live. Discover now