Chapter 25

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"What the hell are you taking about?" You demanded the tears are coming up again.

"Sweetheart you broke up with him." Annabeth said in a quiet, worried voice.


"A week ago, (Y/n) he was heart broken."

You tried to replay the memory but nothing from last week wound come to your mind.

"I don't remember anything from last week." You whispered.

Annabeth started at you.

"Come on." She said. She grabbed your arm and dragged you to find Chiron.


"(Y/n), Someone gave you- and I know this is crazy but- someone gave you a love potion."

Your mind went blank for a second before questions started bursting from your mouth.

"Why? Who? When?''

Chiron answered politely," Your last dose must have been a week ago or a few days, but we can't be sure who or why."

And suddenly a thought hit you.



The situation was told to most people- including Leo. And it was made a fact that Calypso was the one who did it.

Although she didn't know the camp had found out yet.

Everyone had decided that they would give Calypso the cold shoulder- the silent treatment and pretend she was invisible until Chiron found a way to get rid of her.

Yes, get rid of her.

Send her back to Ogygia.


You sat at dinner watching Calypso out of the corner of your eye. She must think she's a ghost, no one has acknowledged her.

She's standing in the middle of the dining hall. She walks up to you slowly. Waves her hand in front of your face but you start a conversation with Percy who is sitting directly in front of you.

Her eyes are wide and she throws her arms on the table creating a loud thud. You didn't flinch one bit as you answered Percy calmly.

"Listen I'm sorry." Calypso yelled in your face. You stared right threw her at Percy. "I know what I did was messed up. And I realize that now. I just- I loved him."

Her voice carried through the room full of conversations. You continued to ignore her and laughed at a comment Percy had just made.

She glared at you and walked into the middle of the room once again.

"Everyone talk to me." Her charm speak making everyone turn to her.

You sighed as "Hey Calypso."s were called out.

You stood up and ran out of the mess hall.

You walked through the strawberry fields. A small path was made through it so it would be easier to pick the strawberries.

You could see your breath as you walked.

There was a bench and a fountain in the middle of the field where you liked to sit. As you approached the bench, you saw a figure sitting with their face in their hands.

As you got closer you realized it was Leo.

You continued to walk towards the bench. He didn't look up.

You sat next to him on the wooden bench. It was then when he noticed you and looked up at you.

You two of you just looked in each other's eyes.

The stars reflected in his eyes along with the pain, regret, and loneliness.

His warm hand cupped your freezing cheek. His lips surprising you as they touched yours.

Although he kissed you slowly, it was bursting with love, and passion.

When you broke apart, he pulled you into a big hug, his face in your neck.

"I'm sorry."

Omg oh my godss. It's over I'm crying all my hard work I just. I'm happy and sad. It's over thank you to all the people who have been liking and commenting ily guys.

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