chapter 23

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(Y/n) sighed as she miserably moved her food around her plate with a fork avoiding all eye contact with anyone.


You threw your arms around Adam. He pushed you away. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" Adam hissed.

"Y-you just told me you loved me!"

"And you just told me that you love me! You have a boyfriend! I was just telling you how I feel! Again you have a freaken boyfriend." Adam said.

He turned around and opened the door to his cabin.

You ran your hands through your hair as Adam walked back inside the cabin.

You stared at the closed door for a second before you turned around. You saw Calypso's eyes widen as you spot her from across the courtyard.

She ducks into the conveniently placed bushes. You sprint over to her bush.

"WHAT THE HELL?" You scream as you pull back the bushes revealing Calypso.

"I-Its cool here." She stuttered out a lie.

"Oh okay and apparently SPYING on me also keeps you cool too." You sneered.

She glared at you, stood up and left while you glared at her.

(Y/n) broke up with Leo. She loved Adam. As soon as She broke up with Leo, Calypso pounced.

Soon afterwards ,maybe a week the effect of the love potion Calypso had put in (y/n)'s food started to wear off and she had developed a horrible stomach ache.

She was throwing up in the bathroom of the Apollo cabin where she ran to when she felt sick.

"I really have no idea what caused this except for some kinda side affect of a potion..." Will stated.

"I don't eat potions." You sassed.

"Whatever just get some sleep."


It was the next day and everyone has been acting weird around you. Your little experience with the love option was not remembered at all in your mind. But not in other people's minds.

This means you have no memory of breaking up with Leo. Which of course caused problems.

You walked into the Hephaestus cabin without thinking twice.

"LEEEEEEEEO!" You called.

Where the hell is this boy? I haven't seen him all day You thought.

You sighed as you gave up looking for him and turned to leave but of the corner of your eye you saw Leo. You turned around with a big smile on your face which quickly faded when you noticed who he was with.

You couldn't believe it. You backed out of the door.

This can't happen again. Not with her again.


Heeeeeeeeeyyyy yall so um yeah I haven't posted in a while BUT HERE IT IS! So do any of y'all like ... Marvel like me and is a crazy ass fangirl well cool. Cuz I just started a tumble blog for Marvel. Calllled Fandomxreader so yeah go follow me or whatever😂.

And yeah byeee ily


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