Massage pt 2

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Will had his arm around your stiff shoulders.

You had to restrain yourself from smacking him.

He knocked on the door to the Hephaestus Cabin with a smirk.

Leo flung the door open.

He smiled at you but his smile flickered down when he noticed Will's arm.

"Uhhh hi?" He said his eyes still on Will's arm.

"(Y/n) needs a massage because her neck is SUPER stiff. And because you have workers hands," Will smirked," I brought her here for you to massage."

Will gave you a slight(causing MAJOR pain) shove towards Leo.

"Okay!" Leo said happily.

Will runs away like a drunk.

"So what side can you not turn to?" Leo asks as you walk into the cabin.

You point to your right side and he nods.

"So this might be awkward butiknowimgonnaenjoyit"

"What?" You asked.

*cough*"nothing." He said.

You sit in a chair as Leo cracks his knuckles.

Leo's warm hands send tingles through your whole body.

His MAGICAL hands somehow started undoing the knot in your neck.

"Ahhhh that feels gooood!"

(Haha awkward.)

After probably 10 minutes the knot was long gone out of your neck but you didn't tell Leo- his hands were AMAZhing!

After a while you felt bad for wasting his time so you said," Wow Leo you have the hands of a GOD! I love you so much!!" Then you froze.

And Leo froze.

Your hand was over your mouth and you where wide eyed.

Oh my god did I just say that...?

You got up so fast and ran out of the cabin like lightning.

You heard Leo "(Y/N)!!"

Crap crap!!!

You looked behind you and saw Leo running after you.



You slammed into a person and started stumbling backwards.

You felt Leo's arms grab you.

"Are you okay (y/n)!?"

You look up to see who you bumped into. It was Adam.

"Oh hi." You say.

"Oh hi." He said smiling.

"Oh hi." You said again.

Then he walked away.

You blinked. Adam suddenly looked a WHOLE lot more attractive. (Which he must be like so hot cuz he's supposed to be fire)

You turned around to watch him walk away. You got all dreamy eyed.

"Uhh... (Y/n)?"

You blinked again. "What?"

Leo looked over his shoulder at Adam.

"What just happened?" He asked.

You felt weird. Like you've fallen in love (again).

Little did (y/n) know but Calypso was hiding in the bushes with an evil smile and plan.



Guys today has been such a good day. I think I have fallen in love!!

Anyways I wanna hear your theorys about next chapter!!

Leo Valdez x reader Flame of JealouslyWhere stories live. Discover now