'surprise' party.

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"No Drew, Percy likes blue. We are not putting pink all over. Its not your birthday."
Annabeth said.

"Okay lets get this thing started.
Myself and Piper for decorations. (Y/n) and Leo for Food-"

You snorted.
"-Travis, Conner, and Adam you guys find a way to distract Percy.. Which shouldn't be hard.. And Drew. You have the easy job so don't mess it up. You get to wait at the dock for the Romans. Next-."
Annabeth said giving out jobs.

You and Leo ran to the kitchen.

"Okay I'll start making the cookies you can start making the drinks."

You mixed the egg ,the brown sugar, the butter, and the flower.

You reached for another cup of flour but there wasn't anymore.

"Uh-oh." You said.

Leo turned around and saw you needed more flour. He ran to the pantry thing.

You watched as Leo stood on his tippy toes to reach the flour.

He got the bag down and started running back with it.
But it was too late.
Leo fell and the whole bag exploded all over you the room and Leo.

Great." You muttered.

"Sorry." Leo said.

At least some flour got into the bowl.


he whole part consists of Percy acting surprised. Drew trying to flirt with Jason.
Percabeth. Adam staring at the one and only you. Calypso glaring at you every time Leo talked to you and lots of blue.

You decided that maybe you should try one of the cookies you made.
You picked one up and was about to eat it when...

"I'm sorry."

You turned around to see Leo looking at you sheepishly.

You raised an eyebrow.

"What did you do?" You asked.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry for leaving you. "
"I'm sorry for coming back with someone else."

You looked away form Leo's chocolate eyes.

"I'm sorry for everything." He said.

"Will you take me back, (y/n)?"

You bit your lip.

Leo Valdez x reader Flame of JealouslyWhere stories live. Discover now