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You stared into Percy's sea green eyes as he stared into your (e/c)ones. Since you've gotten to Camp half-blood you eye color had started to change. Sea green had started to pop up in your eyes slowly.

Both yours and Percy's eyes started to water slightly. Your starring contest had been going on for a minute according to Piper who was timing the contest.

This was very important to you and Percy. Whoever lost this had to give the winner all the good stuff on their plate from lunch for a week. People started to gather around you and Percy.

"Aw Percy come one you know your gonna lose! You might as well start trying." Clarisse smirked.
"Shut up." You muttered rolling your eyes.

"HA!!! YOU BLINKED!!" Percy yelled. You turned to Clarisse.
"That's the last straw." You growled.

Clarisse smirked and narrowed her eyes.

Your hand had balled into a fist and was gonna bunch the smirk right off her face.
"Okay (Y/n) that's enough." Percy said picking you up and carrying you away. As you squirmed in his arms.

He finally put you down.
"I can't believe you didn't let me beat her up." You hissed.
Percy shrugged.
"Don't get near her."
"But Perc-"
"No. I'm tying to protect you."
You stared at him.
"I'm a year younger than you Percy." You muttered.

"Noooooo I'm 2 years older than you."

So I wanted to post this on Percy's birthday but I was busy so I couldn't so HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY PERCY!!
also my Sirius black x reader is now up. It's called Sirius Black x reader Dog star.
So please read it
I still don't know who I'm going to do for the Regular era but I'm leaning towards Fred♡.
So if you haven't voted you should do that c(:

Leo Valdez x reader Flame of JealouslyWhere stories live. Discover now