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January 1966-the beginning of a new year. Ellen couldn't have cared less. Every day seemed exactly the same, and it appeared it would stay that way for the foreseeable future. Her life consisted of nothing but long days of work followed by endless nights in her lonely bed.
She didn't want to be here. She wanted to leave, to go away, but there was no place to run to. Michael wouldn't even talk to her anymore. He'd never believed she would come back, and she'd taken much too long to settle things as she'd planned.
Perhaps she'd procrastinated deliberately. Mike had seemed ready for a commitment, but as much as she'd been entertaining thoughts of a more stable, permanent relationship than the one she'd been able to have with John, she actually wasn't entirely certain she was prepared for that.
Loving Mike, living with him was one thing, but forever was a word she was not yet comfortable with. She'd begun to believe he'd been on the verge of asking her to marry him already, and she just couldn't see that now.
But why? She did love him. She was certain of that. What made her reluctant to devote herself to him entirely?
Well, that was a moot point now anyway, wasn't it? He'd closed that door just as John had, the only difference being that she still had to see Lennon almost every day which made it all even worse.
She didn't think she'd ever become accustomed to being so distant from someone she'd been so close to all her life. Losing a lover was painful. Losing a friend such as John had been to her was nearly unbearable.
She longed to speak to him, to beg his forgiveness in so much that he would at least renew the companionship they'd shared, but she didn't dare.
There were times, however, when she would catch a glimpse of him watching her, and she often wondered if he felt the same, if he missed their friendship as well. She would soon know.

The Monkees' "Don't Wait For Me" kind of shows this from Mike's point of view.

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