The Girl Is Mine

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The next day Mike asked Peter to have lunch with him in his dressing room.
"We haven't done this in awhile. Was there something you wanted to talk to me about Nez?" He asked as they shared an after meal joint.
"Actually yeah. I'm sure you've heard the gossip going around about me and Ellen. Bob weighed in on it."
Let me guess, he's worried that all the little girls who love us and their parents will be traumatized if they find out you're shacking up with his personal assistant."
"Something like that."
"I hope you told him that it's none of their business and that they can stick it up their tight asses."
"Not exactly." He paused as if for dramatic effect. "I asked Ellen to marry me."
Peter choked on the rather large hit he'd just taken.
"You don't seem exactly pleased about it."
"Don't get me wrong, Nez, Ellen is great...but marriage? Isn't that a bit drastic?"
"I WANT to marry her Pete."
"You mean you want to make sure everybody knows who she belongs to," Peter smiled.
"MRS. Nesmith does have a certain ring to it."
" I bet."
"So, I was thinking since you're largely responsible for this I'd ask you if you wanted to be my best man."
"How am I responsible?"
"It was you who set us up that night, made us talk it out. If you hadn't we never would have ended up getting back together."
"Awww shucks. Twarn't nothin."
"Do you think I sound like that?"
"You totally do,"
"Watch it smart ass, or I'll ask Mick or Davy to be my best man instead."
"You wouldn't."
"I would, so tell me now-do you wanna do it or not?"
"Why Michael, I would LOVE to participate in an antiquated ritual designed to strip men of their freedom and replace it with a ball and chain."
"Mind how you talk about my future wife Mr. Tork," he teased.
"Well I guess there are worse things than being legally bound to a beautiful woman with a lifetime guarantee of free sex."

"So Mike's going to make an honest woman of ya. What did Bob and Bert say?"

"That a married Monkee is better than one who's just messing around."
"Well I for one think it's a great idea. Mike isn't nearly as much of an arse with you around. Hopefully marriage will make him chill out even more."
"Everyone is saying that. I have no idea where the idea that he's difficult came from," she grinned.
"Well they say love is blind."
The door suddenly opened with a warm California breeze. "Hey Davy, and hey soon-to-be Mrs. Nesmith. Give me some sugar Baby."
She left the couch to greet him, and as he often did, he hoisted her in his arms, securing her legs around his slim waist. "That's the stuff."
"Oi my eyes! Get a room!"
"Sounds good, but I have news to impart first." They sat on the sofa together holding hands. "Everything is all set up for the wedding. We'll fly into Hawaii on the first, have the wedding that evening on the beach as the sun sets, have the second for our honeymoon, and the Monkees' very first official concert will be on the third there in Honolulu."
"Would be nice if we could get a longer honeymoon, but otherwise perfect. My mother and Vicky will be here this week."
"Ah, the infamous Elizabeth Raymond. I bet she'll hate me. I'm pretty sure your sister does. But then I don't like HER much either, so I guess we're even."
"There's that well-known Nesmith charm," Davy interjected.
"Don't need your two cents Tiny."
"Just TRY to get along with them Michael. That's all I ask."
"Pinky swear Baby."

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