Never Tell A Woman Yes

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Nurit had been attempting to contact him. Mike had been making every effort to ignore her. Finally one day after a recording session for his song, "Auntie's Municipal Court", in which he'd actually enlisted Ellen to sing back-up vocals (her first outing since the birth of their child), his former mistress walked into the studio.

"She needs to talk to you, and you need to listen," the blonde bassist said and left immediately without another word, leaving the two ex-lovers alone.
"What are you doing here Nurit?"
She made no effort to break it to him gently. "Mike I'm pregnant. It's yours."
"You're sure about that?" He asked pointedly.
"You may find it hard to believe, but you were the only man I was having sex with."
"Well shit!"
"I'm not exactly thrilled about it either, but it is what it is."
"What were you thinking?"
"I could ask you the same question."
"I assumed you were on the pill. Isn't just about every woman these days?"
"You could have asked."
"Well forgive me for believing you actually had enough common sense not to fuck a married man without using birth control. I guess I gave you too much credit."
"Well since you're the one who's married, shouldn't that have been more your responsibility than mine?"
"But I'm not the one who could get pregnant, Nurit."
"We're not accomplishing anything here just trying to assign blame. The fact remains that we both made a baby, and now we both need to deal with it."
"What do you expect me to do?"
"Take responsibility."
"And by that you mean what exactly?"
"Well at the very least you need to contribute financially."
"That's fair I suppose, but why do I get the distinct impression that you want more than that?"
"Mike you know how I feel."
"And you know how I feel."
"I can't really say that I do."
"I'll make it as plain as I can then. I love my wife, ONLY my wife. What we had was pleasant and fun, but it was never anything serious, and now it's over."
"So you really Do intend to try and be"
"Better late than never I suppose. Ellen deserves no less."
"But what happens when she finds out about the baby? And she will eventually won't she? It's not exactly something you can easily hide."
"How many people know NOW besides me and Peter?"
"Well you can't keep it a secret forever that you're pregnant, but why would anyone have to know it's mine?"
"So I'm just supposed to stay your dirty little secret?"
"Nurit you don't get it. I could lose everything, my wife, our new baby...even my career. The press would have my ass if they found out. And it wouldn't get you what you want anyway, even if you still wanted me after I'm out of work and broke. I told you, I love Ellen, and I'd do just about anything to keep my marriage together. I'd get down on my hands and knees and BEG her not to leave me if she asked me to."
"There really isn't anything else to say then is there."
If only that had been true. Instead Mike was to learn how apt the old adage 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' was.

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