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Since buck could remember he wanted to be a firefighter. His dad never wanted him to be one tho, he wanted him to be a doctor along with his older sister Maddie.

Buck is in 2nd grade so he is about 7, his older sister Maddie is a sophomore in highschool so she is about 16.

Both kids want to help people when they grow up so Maddie doesn't mind the fact that their dad wants her to grow up and be a doctor.

On day the Buckley parents leave the kids for just the weekend. Saturday night at 9pm there is a knock on the door.

"This is the police can you please open the door"-the officer said.

Maddie opens the door with Buck stuck to her side.

"Y-yes officer-r"-Maddie says voice very shaky.

"I am so sorry to inform your but your parents have been in a car crash and they didn't make it."-the officer says looking down at his shoes.

"Okay so um what do we do."-Maddie said trying to stay strong and hold back her tears for Buck.

"Well since you are 16 you have the option to go live with a friend or be put into foster/adoption care, as for your little brother he will be put into an adoption program immediately."-the officer said.

"I want to stay with my brother"-Maddie says holding onto buck as tight as he could.

"Okay then come with us"-the officer said leading them out to his police car.

The way to the police station was very quiet Maddie was still holding back tears and holding onto buck with everything she could.

Bobby's POV..

I was in the middle of cooking dinner for my team, per my captions orders since he knows that I am the best cook here. When he alarm went off.

His whole crew jumped into the engine and ambulance and where on there way to the site

"Hey Cap what's the job tonight"I said hoping it would be a quick one considering there shift was over in an hour.

"There is a car crash, one car has 2 people in it they are the ones that were hit. According to the guy that hit them in the other car they are both unconscious and not breathing, he says he is fine but is not sure." He said.

I was looking around the engine all of the guys were nervous was this going to be a quick one or no, were they alive or no. So many questions that would shortly be answered.

We all got out of the engine and started opening up the car. The guy that called 911 was sitting down by his car, I went over to him to make sure he was okay.

I got over there and he seemed to be okay but I sent him over to medical just in case. I then went over to help my team.

We finally got it open but they were both dead, we pulled them out and called dispatch to send another R.A unit and a police unit.

Maddie POV..

I feel like we have been in the police station forever. I am still on the verge of tears but Buck is with me so I can't cry, he only sees me as his strong older sister.

Then I saw this firefighter and Buck had to of saw him to cause his face lit up and he started running over to him.

I started running over to him as well to catch up to Buck.

Bucks POV

That's when I saw him the firefighters but there was this one in particular that looked strong and he was who I wanted to be.

I ran to him as fast as I could.i had absolutely no idea what I was going to do on e in front of him but all I wanted to do was be by someone I wanted to be when I grew up.

I finally got to him. His voice was deep, he seemed to be kinda upset, and I didn't know why.

"Hey there, what's up little man"He said to me.

"Hi" I said back a little nervous. "I'm Buck, I'm 7 and a half" I said, holding my hand out for him to shake.

"Hi Buck, I'm Bobby." He said shaking my hand back.

"Hi Bobby, you know I want to be like you when I grow up. I want to be a firefighter but my dad didn't want me to so I don't know if I can but I dont know anymore." I told him as Maddie was pulling my arm to leave. "Bye Bobby" I said almost out of hearing range.

We finally got to leave and we went with this very nice couple, I really hoped I would get to see Bobby again tho I really liked him.

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