Eddie and Bucks confessions to each other

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Dinner was a blast they all had fun just talking and eating. Eddie loves getting to know everyone. Really especially likes Bobby.

After a little bit Chris started crying so Eddie excuses himself from the table to go tend to him.

"Soooooo, Buck this is the infamous neighbor you tell me is cute all the time." Maddie says teasing Buck with a smile.

"Stopp, yes it is, but he's 20 years old, has a kid and probably isn't into dudes, plus his wife died 2 months ago." Buck said with a frown.

"Buck your turning 18 in 2 months it'll be fine plus even if he doesn't feel the same doesn't mean you can't tell him." Bobby said putting his hand on Bucks shoulder.

"You know what I think your right I'll be right back I'ma do it now." Buck said getting up.

Buck walks out of the dinning room and into the living room where Eddie is still trying to calm down Christopher.

"Here Eddie, can I try something." Buck asks Eddie taking Christopher into his arms. "Hey buddy, I've got you....your gonna be okay. Do you want to walk around outside." Buck said to both Chris and Eddie.

Chris laughed and started pointing towards the door. "Sure let's go." Eddie said opening the door. "We will be right back guys" Eddie yelled to the others who were still in the dinning room.

Buck decided to walk to the park that was close. Eddie sat down on the bench while Buck played with Christopher. Eddie couldn't stop smiling, seeing bow happy his son was with someone he had just met and seeing Buck happy with his son made him feel even more attractive.

"Hey Eddie, why are you smiling so much over there. Come play with us." Buck called out to Eddie who was running over to them.

"I'm coming don't worry. Hey Buck can I talk to you about something." Eddie said while Chris was going down the slide.

"Yeah sure Eddie what's up?" Buck said helping Chris off so that they could walk back to the house.

"I haven't been completely honest you. One of the main reasons that my parents don't support me and that I moved to L.A it because well..." Eddie said starting to get nervous.

"Hey it's okay you can tell me anything I know we just met today but I feel like I have known you forever and thats got to be something. If you don't want to tell you don't have to tell me." Buck said stopping and putting his hand on Eddies shoulder.

"No I want to tell you.....when I was 13 I came out as bi to my parents but they didn't support me and they told me that I needed to marry a woman and start a family with her by having kids." Eddie said finally looking Buck in the eyes.

Buck was shocked he hadn't expected this to happen. Now he felt a lot better telling him that he was bi as well and that he had feelings for him. "Really Eddie, omg I came out as bi to Bobby and my sister when I was 15" He said looking back into Eddies eyes.

"Wait really, that's awesome Buck, I'm guessing they support you tho." Eddie said as they got back to the house.

"Yeah they do but at the same time it has been different now that I have come out." Buck said before opening the door to the house.

"Yeah I mean that makes sense, hey do you mind if we crash over here tonight. It gets really quiet in my house at night and I can really sleep." Eddie said walking over to the couch to sit down.

"Yeah if you want to you totally can. Um you might have to sleep on the couch, I'll ask Bobby. My sister is sleeping in her room and Chim is sleeping in the guest room cause Bobby doesn't want them to sleep together while they are here at least, and I have my room and Bobby has his. But again we can ask Bobby." Buck said walking into the dinning room where everyone was still sitting and talking.

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