Maddie meeting Bobby

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"Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, guess whattttt." Buck yelled running into Maddie's room.

"What, what, what." She yelled back at him really nervous thinking it was bad news or that he was hurt.

"You remember that one firefighter dude that we met that one night at the police station" Buck says before continuing on before letting Maddie speak. "Well I met him again we went on that field trip to the fire station and he was there. And me and him started talking and he said that he would love to actually meet you and that maybe he would adopt us." Buck said with so much excitement, he still couldn't believe it himself

"Well sure I would love to meet him, how about tomorrow after you get home from school we go over to the fire station and see if he is there...... together no running off before me." Maddie said knowing Buck probably wasn't going to listen to that.

"Yessssss, yesssss, please. Omg Maddie I love you so much you are the best sister ever." He says jumping up and down and giving her a hug.

"I know I am and you are the best little brother ever too, I love you too Buck" Maddie told him also jumping and hugging him back.

The next day....

Bucks POV

The day at school I couldn't sit still, I was excited for Maddie to finally officially meet Bobby.

Also I couldn't shake the feeling that Bobby might adopt them, that I would finally have a stable home with a stable Dad.

I wondered a lot the, does Bobby have a wife or a girlfriend? Or would it just be a dad and no mom. I honestly couldn't care tho because I love Bobby and if it was just him he wouldn't mind

Bobby's POV

I honestly can't believe that I told him I could adopt them, I don't know if I can do that. I am a 33 year old single firefighter, nobody is going to give me a kid without more support from another person.

You know tho I could also ask....

My thoughts were cut off by the bell. It was an easy one just a cat and it's owner stuck in a tree. It took barely half an hour.

When I got back to the station I saw buck sitting in a chair by the locker room. I was surprised to see him considering we had just talked yesterday but his sister was with him too, and you could tell that they are siblings.

"Heyyy Buck" I said calling from him.

"Heyy Bobby, this is my sister Maddie she almost 17." He said pointing to his sister

"Hi Bobby, I have heard so much about you" she said shaking my hand.

"As have I Maddie" I say shaking her hand back.

"So Buck here tells me that you might be able to adopt us. I have heard so much about you and Buck seems to really like you. I would love to see if you could adopt us." She said holding onto Bucks shoulder.

"Please Bobby can we at least try" Buck said pleading and giving me those cute puppy dog eyes.

"Why don't we go talk to the police and see if they can do something cause I'm not quite sure where to go. I get off work in an hour, meet me at the police station in 2 hours." I said with q big smile on my face.

"Sounds good we will be there" Maddie said taking Bucks hand and walking out of the station.

Bucks POV..

He said to meet him at the station in 2 hours, I absolutely can't wait and honestly neither can Maddie she seems really excited too.

"So did you like him Maddie, do you think he will make a good Dad?" I asked her stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Yes Buck I do, I think he is just the dad that we need l, especially you I only have 1 more years with you before I move off to college." She said, the thought of her going to college makes me want to cry tho, I don't want to think about it.

2 hours later...

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