Meeting Eddie

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It was a warm sunny summer day, in the city of L.A. Eddie had been in L.A for little over a year now and hadn't met anyone really yet. His wife died 2 months ago, so it has just been his and his 10 month old son Christopher. He has that one neighbor he seemed to be a little younger then Eddie but not by much. He decided it was time he go and meet his neighbor.

He walked over to the house and before he could knock the door opened.

Bucks POV..

Almost 2 years ago he got this new neighbor. He really wanted to meet him as he looked to be not much older than him. He was kinda cute too, but he had seen him get out of his car with a woman since the day that he moved here. But about 2 months ago he no longer had this woman in the car.

He began to wonder what happened to her. The only thing left about her was a little kid who could be younger than 1. The baby was super cute too. Buck decided that this would be the day he was going to go and meet his neighbor.

Back to normal..

Buck opened the door to see his neighbor about to knock on his door. "Hi" Buck said kinda shyly, seeing him right in front of him just made him want to lead him to his bedroom and do some stuff.

"Hi, sorry for coming over I have just been here a while and haven't met any yet and Ive seen you and who I assuming is your dad around and y'all seem really nice so figured it was about time to come over and say hi." Eddie said about to start leaving "Sorry it looks you are about to head I'll maybe come over later."

"No it's fine I was actually on my way to come say hi to you so come in and you can meet me half dad and we can talk a bit." Buck said open the door so he could walk in.

"Um give me a quick sec to go get my son, if that's okay." Eddie said, shocked that he almost forgot about Chris.

"Yeah that is perfectly fine, I love kids they are one of my weaknesses, I'll leave the door open so you can come over once you have him" Buck said waving to him and closing the door.

Buck could believe that just happened. On the day that he was going over there this kid decided to come over here. He was excited to talk to him and to meet his son.

About 3 min later the door opens and Eddie was walking carrying a small child in his arms.

"Omg he is so cuteee, what is his name." Buck said practically running over to look at him.

"It's Christopher, or Chris for short." Eddie said turning Chris around so Buck could see him. "Oh and I'm Eddie by the way not sure if I said that already."

"No I don't think you did Eddie, and I'm Evan but you can call me Buck. Christopher is such a cute name too, he kinda looks like a Christopher." Buck said towards Eddie.

"Thanks his mom named him, she always liked the name Christopher and he didn't want someone Mexican either but that was fine with me because it would given me parents another excuse to be with us at all times. Especially now that his mom's gone." Eddie said holding Chris out to Buck "So you want to hold him?"

"Do I, of course I do" Buck said happy that he offered, and taking Chris into his arms. "He is so cute omg I want him so bad. How old is he?"

"He is 10 months old" Eddie said admiring Buck and how natural he looks holding Chris.

"Wow okay I was thinking about 1 so I was close." Just then Bobby walks in.

"Buck what have I told you about bringing random people into the house, and this one has a kid." Bobby says looking at Buck and this stranger and thinking I just interrupted something.

"Bobby this is Eddie, the next door neighbor, and this is his son Christopher. Eddie This is Bobby my half dad as I like to call him." Buck says towards both of them.

"Nice to meet me you Bobby, um one question tho why is he your half dad?" Eddie said confused while shaking Bobby's hand.

"Well Bobby adopted me and my older sister when I was 7 and she was 16. He has been my dad ever since but then but he isn't my real dad he is my half dad, plus I think it's kinda funny." Buck said going over and standing by Bobby leaning on Bobby's arm, still holding Chris.

"I see well it's nice to meet you Bobby, I'm Eddie and this is Chris. Chris is 10 months old and I'm 20, my late wife moved here from Texas before we had Christopher. A little over 2 months my wife died in a terrible at crash on her way home from work." Eddie said starting to cry. He didn't know why he just said all of that but he did and no he felt self conscious about it cause he was crying. "Sorry I don't know what happened."

"Hey hey your okay, I know how you feel my parents died in a car crash when I was 7 and thata how I met Bobby. He was one of the firefighters that tried to save them." Buck said giving Bobby the baby and running over to high Eddie as right as he could.

Buck held Eddie in his arms for a good 15 minutes while Eddie just cried and let it all out. He said how he had a terrible child and how his parents didn't support him in his decisions to do certain things.

Bobby thought it was so cute how Buck just stood there holding Eddie. Eddie was cute and he could tell why buck talked about him all the time. Buck has been wanting to go and meet him since the first day he got here but he was very disappointed because he had a girl with him all the time. It wasn't untill 2 months ago that Buck started wanting to go over there again.

After Eddie was done talking he took Chris back from Bobby, "Hey Buck can we go talk in your room real quick." Eddie said looking at Buck.

"Um yeah sure, Bobby is that okay." Buck said since he was still 17 and it was Bobby's house.

"Yes Buck that is fine, oh and by the way Maddie and Chim are coming over later for dinner so be ready about 6-6:30, and Eddie you are welcome to join if you would like." He said trying to make sure that Eddie felt involved and not like he had to leave at any time.

"Um sure I would love to stay and have dinner with you guys um, before we head to your room I'm going to go get some change of clothes for me and Chris a long with his food that way I don't have to run over later." Eddie said walking towards the door.

"Okay Buck says I'll be here, and you are absolutely enjoy Bobby's cooking, he is literally the best cook ever. And I think you will like my sister and Chim." Buck said getting excited

"I can't wait be back over in about 20ish minutes okay." Eddie said walking out the door.

"Yeah see you in 20" Buck said closing the door.

"Well he seems nice, I'm glad you finally got to meet him." Bobby said trying not to sound to weird.

"Yeah me too, to bad he is probably into girls tho, I mean he had a wife so maybe he is but that doesn't mean we cnt be friends." Buck said hopeful.

"Buck you had 2 girlfriends before you came out as bi to us, maybe he is the same way. But even if he is straight like you said that doesn't mean you guys can't be friends." Bobby said "Plus he did mention something about his parents not supporting him in some ways, maybe he is gay or bi but his parents didn't support him so he only dates girls." Bobby said trying to be hopeful and keep Buck from spiralling.

"That is all very true." Buck said heading to his room "let me know when Eddie comes back over." Buck yelled from his room.

"I will." Bobby yelled back.

20 minutes later..

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