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The next morning breakfast was kinda awkward between Buck and Eddie having just kissed a few hours ago. Everyone at the table didn't seem to care tho. Bobby had made cinnamon pancakes and bacon/sausage, and everyone was loving it.

Bobby and Chim had to go to work as they had a long 24 hour shift ahead of them. Maddie also had to go to work as she also had a 24 hour shift with Josh. Which left just Buck, Eddie and Christopher.

Buck decided to go and play video games in his room while Eddie decided to go home for a little bit. He hadn't gotten much sleep as he  couldn't stop thinking about the kiss between him and Buck. Bobby had said that he might be interested in him but he never thought that he meant it, and now he had just kissed him.

Eddie ended up drifting to sleep for about 2 hours till Chris decided to wake up. He had gone back to sleep after breakfast but woke up and was very fussy.

Bobby's POV.....start of his shift....

He had promised Buck that if he had seen the sergeant today that he would talk to her. He was nervous but was ready to do it. Him and Chim were talking about the previous night and there thoughts on Eddie. "I think Eddie is a great kid, and his son is super adorable." I say to Chim.

"Who is Eddie and who is his son." Hen, chims best friend and side kick paramedic, came over wanting to be apart of the conversation.

"Last night was family dinner and our new neighbor that has been our neighbor for almost a year now came over yesterday and he has a son, him and Buck hit it off pretty well and him and his son stayed over for dinner and then they stayed the night. I think he went home this morning but honestly I don't know." I said taking a deep breath as Hen sat down.

"Wow okay, how old is this Eddie and how old is his son." Hen asked.

"Well Eddie is 20, and Christopher his son is 10 months old. Eddie's wife and Chris's mom died 2 months ago." I said looking at Hen and Chim.

"Yeah and Eddie is also bi just like buck but was forced to be straight. I'm pretty sure that they had a moment last night and didn't realize that I was in the bathroom." Chim said laughing a bit at both Hens face because she couldn't believe that his parents would force him to be straight as a lesbian woman, and my face because of the last part Chim had said.

"What moment?" I asked Chim not as impressed as he was.

"Well when I walked out the bathroom......" Chim started as the bell went off. "Oh well have to finish this conversation later Cap." Chim yelled running away.

"Ugh." I said hoping in the truck

It was a motorcycle accident. That's when I saw her. The sergeant was here, I can talk to her. As the engine stopped a ran over to her to ask her what the deal was.

"Hi Captain Bobby Nash with the 118." I said putting my hand out.

"Sergeant Athena Grant, LAPD." She said shaking my hand.

"Well Sergeant Grant, what do we have here." I asked kinda nervous.

"Well we have a motorcycle accident, the cyclist was drunk and rn into and under a pick up truck. Getting stuck under it some how." She said walking me and herself over the the victim.

"Okay Hen, Chim start checking vitals and stuff, you and you get under here and help me free him." I yelled barking orders.

"You tell them Cap." Athena said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah you like that, well how about you let me take you out to dinner." I said before I even realized what I was saying.

"I'm flattered, I would love to go out for dinner with you but I do have to warm you that I am 3 months pregnant right now." She told me walking away.

"Oh um nevermind then I'm guessing your taken then have a boyfriend or husband that knocked you up." I say running after her.

"No I don't actually, my husband now ex husband left me 2 months ago right before I found out I was pregnant. But he left me for another man so I don't really want to try and get back with him so. Yeah I would love to go out to dinner with you Captain Nash." She said smiling and walking away.

A little while later we are back in the truck. We got the guy out safely and he was on his way to the hospital. I sent a quick text to Buck 'Guess who is going on a date with the cop lady, tonight. I love you Buck thank you for telling me that I should shoot my shot. Now I am telling you to shoot yours with Eddie, come on you have to know that he likes you. Anyways I have to get back to work talk to you later.'. Sent.

'Im so proud of you Bobby, I love you too. You know I think I am going to shoot my shot heading over there now, talk later '. Is the text back that he got.

Back to normal.....

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