Vacation part 3

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***Hopefully the last part***

We leave tomorrow, we are packing everything up today. This trip has been a lot of fun, I mean I literally got engaged. Me, Eddie and Christopher are all in our room packing up and putting clothes out for tomorrow. We are going to have one last swim as a family before we leave in an hour. We grab some quick stuff to make sandwiches before heading out to swim.

"What kind of sandwich do you want babe?" Eddie asks yelling from the little "kitchen" area.

"Turkey and ham is okay with me." I yell back from the bedroom getting Chris ready.

"Sounds good." Eddie yells back.

Once both me and Chris have our swim trunks on we go to the room Eddie is in to get our sandwiches. We start eating while Eddie gets his on, once he is changed and fed we put sunscreen on Chris and ourselves. We head out to the pool to see everyone else is already there.

"It's about time the kids show up!" Chim says laughing.

"Very funny Chim, we are not kids." I say trying not to laugh.

"Whatever you say." He said rolling his eyes before splashing me with the water.

"Oh shouldn't have done that Chim, you started something and he has been saying how much he wanted to do a cannonball today!" Eddie blurts out just as I jump in the water getting Chim all wet. We all start laughing while Chim just sits there pouting.

We go about our day swimming, talking, and having fun. After about 4 hours it was time to leave, so we all got out of the pool, dried off, and went back to our houses. We all meet back at the car and go in. Maddie, Chim, me, and Eddie all got the back, Bobby drove Athena sat passenger side while the kids sat in the middle. When we get to the airport our flight gets delayed a little bit so we have to wait in the lobby.

Me and Eddie each put in one headphone so we can listen to music on the plane, Eddie is engaged in a conversation with Chim and Bobby while I am playing with Jee and Chris on my lap. After about an hour I fall asleep on Eddies shoulder with May and Chris on my lap also sleeping.

Eddie let us sleep for about 2 hours till we if were able to start boarding the plane. The plane ride is about 4 hours, so it's not that far. Somehow when booking our seats they all get messed up who non of us got the seats we wanted, next to the people we wanted. Buck got the window seat on left side, May in the middle, with Maddie in the aisle seat. Eddie got the window seat in front of Buck, then Bobby got the middle, then Chim got the aisle. The across from them was Athena by the window and Chris in the middle with some random person in the aisle way. They all wanted to talk but didn't want to disturb the random person, so they were all texting in the group chat.

The group chat

-How did they mess our seats up this bad- Me

-Good freaking question, I mean not that I'm really complaining I get more time with my grandson but like I want to sit by my husband too- Athena 🤩

-At least are all kinda next to each other-🥰Eddie🥰

-Eddie is right- Maddie 🫶🏼

-Yeah but still- Chim

-It's only for a couple of hours you guys will survive- Bobby 🥸

-Fine- Me

End of chat

Next thing I know I am getting a little nervous. Last time Eddie held onto my hand so I was less scared but right now he is in front of me. Just as I was picking up my phone to text him, he texted me.

-Heyy you!! Do I need to put my arm behind's the seat so you can hold my hand? I know how nervous you get on planes.- 🥰Eddie🥰

-Please do! I was just about about to text you actually.- Me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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