2 months later

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It's been 2 months and Bucks birthday is tomorrow. Eddie can't wait to take him out to dinner. Even tho it was really early Bobby had proposed to Athena last week. They decided that they wanted to get married before the baby came that way the baby would think that he was the father. Athena was now 5 months pregnant, she would be about 8 when they get married.

Eddie is staying the night at the Buckley-Nash house. Everyone is over there as well. They were having a little family get together before Buck turned of age. Tomorrow they were going to invite Hen over as well since her and Buck had grown very close but she couldn't come over tonight.

"So Buck, you excited that you are finally going to be 18." Eddie asked

"Yes, I am so happy and I can't wait." Buck said back.

They all kept going with there conversations until Buck had to go get some water and Eddie decided now was the perfect time to ask him on a date.

"Hey Buck." He said starting Buck a little. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you I just have a question."

"It's alright Eddie, what's up?" Buck asked leaning on the counter in front of Eddie who was also leaning on the kitchen island.

"Well um, you know you are turning 18 tomorrow, which means that finally this can happen." He says pointing between the 2 of them. "And I have a question......will you go out on a date with me, we can go out for dinner and/or do something together just the 2 of us as a date." Eddie was beyond nervous.

"Yes Eddie I would love that. The perfect person to celebrate this perfect day." Buck saying that made Eddies nerves just go away.

"Thank the Lord." Eddie says bringing Buck into a big hug.

They walked back out and everyone was cheering. The 2 didn't know why until they saw that their fingers were still intertwined together. They all started laughing. That night Bobby agreed for Chim to lay with Maddie in her room and Eddie and Buck in Bucks room, as long as no funny business was happening.

At exactly 12am Eddie woke Buck up. "Happy birthday Buck!"

"Thank you so much!" Buck replied

They both fall asleep again pretty quickly. The next morning before work Bobby makes Buck breakfast. Buck decides that he want to go to the fire station and hang out with his dad for the day, before going to dinner with Eddie.

"Dad, where are you" Buck yelled.

"He's up here making lunch, he has his headphones in." Chim yelled back.

Buck heads upstairs to see Bobby cooking his favorite, Mac and cheese.

"Hey dad." Buck said starting Bobby.

"Hey kid what's up." Bobby said going to the other side of the counter to give Buck a hug.

"Oh nothing I just decided to stop by cause I have nothing to do until dinner tonight." Buck said returning the hug.

"What's for dinner " Bobby asked.

"Come on really, Eddie is taking me out on an activate now that I am of age." Buck said rolling his eyes.

"When am I going to be able to meet this Eddie l, I'm the only one that hasn't." Hen sisd budding into the conversation.

"Um idk." Buck said

"How about she gets to meet me now." Eddie said coming up the stairs.

"Eddie?!" Buck said surprised but running up to him to give him a hug.

"Hey you, so are you going to intrude me or not." Eddie said breaking the hug to stand next to him, intertwining their fingers..

"Um yeah Hen this is Eddie, Eddie this is Hen, she is basically my adoptive older sister." Buck said. Eddie and Hen shook each others hands.

"Lunch is ready, Buck Eddie are you joining us." Bobby asks knowing the answer is yes.

"Is that even a question." They both said taking a seat next to each other at the table.

"So where is Chris?" Chim asked Eddie.

"Umm Maddie watching him for the day, she had the day off and since me and Buck have a date tonight she offered to watch him but she came really early so that why I'm here." Eddie replied

"Oh of course she did she loves kids." Buck said with a smile.

After lunch was done the boys decided to go home and change for there date, they had a reservation at 7 but decided to go to a movie first. They got dressed, Buck in a nice dark blue long sleeve dress shirt and some black dress pants, Eddie in a black long sleeve dress shirt and blue jeans.

They both got into Bucks jeep and drove to the movie. They decided to watch a comedy movie, and eat popcorn. After the movie they went to dinner.

"Thank you so much for this, you are literally the perfect person. I have waited my whole life to find someone like you, and I finally found you." Buck said with tears in his eyes.

"Oh Buck, your welcome. You know I had to try and prove to myself that I was straight because I thought that that was what my parents wanted. But the first time that I saw you I knew that I wasn't and that I couldn't hide that feeling anymore. You complete me and I can't believe that you are finally 18 so we can do this." Eddie said taking bucks hands into his."

They stayed like that for a while until their food came out. Once they finished there food they went home. Buck had texted Bobby asking if he could stay at Eddie's house and Bobby had said yes, as long as no funny business happened. They went back to Eddie's house they decided to cuddle up in bed together and going to sleep.

When they woke up they had there legs tangled up together, and Buck was laying on Eddies chest. Eddie had woken up a couple minutes before Buck. He put his hand through Bucks hair, it was so soft and messy. Buck woke up to Eddie planting a kiss on to the top of Bucks head. He looked up in to Eddies eyes, and just sat like that for a couple minutes neither of them wanting to move. The door bell rang waking them both up fully and Eddie put a pair of sweatpants but not a shirt and walked to the door, it was Maddie dropping Christopher off.

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