Finally a firefighter

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It is now July, and Buck is finally a firefighter. Working with the 118. He and Eddie are really good right now, they have been together for 4 and a half months. Bobby and Athena are now married and had the baby, her name is May Grant-Nash. She looks just like Athena.

Actually working at the firehouse is very different then just helping out during the weekends. He actually gets to go out on calls. Bobby, Chim, and Hen are all so happy to finally have him on the team.

They were all heading home, so they were all in the locker room changing

Bucks POV

"Hey kid are staying at Eddies our mine tonight?" Bobby asked Buck before he left.

"Um I was thinking about staying over at your tonight, Eddie texted me saying that Chris was sick so he didn't want me over to get sick. If that's okay with you." Buck replied getting into the car with Bobby.

"No that's actually perfect, would you maybe watch May tonight?" Bobby started driving.

"Um yeah I can do that, I love her. Let me guess you guys want a date night?" Buck said lightly punching Bobby's shoulder.

"Yes we would it's been a while, and we know you love her like she is your own sister even tho she isn't related to you in anyway or even me." Bobby said looking at Buck with a smile before quickly turning back to the road. They were pulling into to the driveway by now.

"Yeah I know I mean she basically is my sister, no matter if she isn't related to me or you, and even if there is a 18 year age gap, I dont mind. I love her like she is my sister." Buck said smiling.

"Yeah we know, and me and Athena are so proud of you for stepping up and helping us and that you love her as much as you do." Bobby said before getting out of the car to be met at the door by his beautiful wife. Athena was honestly so beautiful and she loved Bobby which is really all I cared about.

Hey 'Thena" I said giving her a hug

"Hey kid" She replied telling me to come inside. We all went inside and of course I ran straight to Mays room, when I got there I picked her up and brought her out to the kitchen where Bobby and Athena where. As I got there my phone started ringing , it was Bobby face timing me.

"Hey you what's up" I say answering it

"Awe aren't you two super cute, I was just calling to ask how your shift was and if you were coming over tonight" he said putting his phone down so he could play video games.

"Um well it was good not a lot of calls so it was good, and no I'm watching this little one tonight sorry." I said feeling kinda bad that I was busy.

"Oh baby it's fine, maybe we can convince Bobby and Athena to let me come over and spend time with you and May." He said clearly not realizing that Bobby and Athena were right behind me.

"Um Eddie you know you are always welcome here and you know that." Bobby said making his self known behind me to Eddie.

"I know Bobby thanks, well Um I'm going to play some games and then I'll be over soon okay" Eddie said turning the phone to Christopher real quick so I could see him.

"Sounds good, and isn't he just adorable. I love you babe see you soon." I said

"Okay baby, I love you too." He said before hanging up. I put May down on the couch, and decide to go to my room to clean up and change. I also ended up taking a shower. By the time I was done Bobby and Athena were ready for there date. They leave and as they are walking out May starts crying, I go and get her bottle and go to her room.

"Hey you, your okay baby girl." She looks up at him and smiles "Hi there she is, the happy little girl I know. Yeah your so cute, you look just like your beautiful mom too, yeah you do." She reaches up and grabs Bucks nose while he puts the bottle in her mouth. "I love you May, I'm so glad you are part of our family, yeah I'm your big brother Buck" as I am in the process of sitting down there is a knock on the door. I go and open it to see Eddie and Chris. "Hey baby" I say letting them both in and giving Eddie a big hug.

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