Eddies confession to Bobby

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Eddie's POV...

I got ally clothes ready a long with Chris in a new outfit and enough food to last him the night. Our outfits are both basic. Just a nice light blue long sleeve and a pair of light grey jeans. I grabbed a pair of black sweatpants and a green long sleeve for Chris.

I started heading over there again as Chris started crying, I decided it was time to get him. So I gave him a bottle and started heading to Bucks.

"Hey Eddie, Buck is in his room upstairs to the left, next to the bathroom." Bobby yelled from in the kitchen.

"Sounds good, thanks Bobby. And by the way it smells delicious in here. Can't wait to eat it." I say as I walk to Bucks room.

"Your welcome and thank you" Bobby says as I walk out of ear shot.

I knock on Bucks door quilt trying not to wake a sleeping Chris in my arms. He said that it was opened so I opened it and closed it behind me. He was in what I'm guessing was Bobby's hoodie cause it said LAFD on it.

I decided to sit on the corner of his bed carefully putting Chris on the bed next to me trying not to wake him.

"He looks so cute when he sleeps." Buck said in a whisper. He was in the middle of a video game.

"I know right, I feel guilty saying this but before I go to bed I just stare at how peaceful he looks just laying there.' I say quietly going up to sit by Buck but not to close just that way he could watch Buck play video games.

"Yeah I would do the same thing if I had a kid, or when I have a kid considering im only 17. There is another controller down there if you want to play too." Buck says pointing at the controller on the seat next to the bed.

"Sure I'll play" I say grab I the controller.

3 hours later.

Bucks POV..

Slowly Eddie got closer and closer to me  until we were sitting shoulder to shoulder but I didn't mind it tho, I felt comfort in sitting next to him.

I looked at my phone to see a text from Bobby telling him he should start getting dressed before Maddie and Chim got there.

"Bobby just texted me saying that we should probably get ready before my sister gets here. Do you want to change in here or the bathroom I can go to the bathroom if you would like."

"No I can just change in here I don't mind, we are both dudes right." Eddie said with a slight smirk.

"Yeah I mean sure why don't we just get dressed in here." I said taking the sweatshirt I was wearing off to show my bear skin. He definitely saw my stomach and my arms cause his mouth dropped as soon as the sweatshirt was off.

Eddie's POV..

Omg he has giant abs and his arms omg they are so big. I already thought that he was attractive but in this instance I wanted to take him all.

Then I started taking my shirt off to also reveal my abs and big arms. His mouth dropped almost as much as mine did when he took his short off.

"Damn love the abs Eddie." Buck said getting closer to me with a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah you too Buck." I said getting closer to him too.

Then Chris started crying so thoa moment between us stopped Buck finished getting dressed then he took Chris out to the living room while i finished getting dressed myself bring out Chris's clothes so Buck could change him.

I went into the kitchen to ask Bobby if he needed any help. I also couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. He just met this kid. Buck is 17 and he is 20 and he wants to fuck him so bad. He just met him not even 24 hours ago. But in that moment between them in Bucks room he just couldn't stop thinking about it.

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