Date Night

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Buck decided he was going to tell Eddie how he felt. He texted Eddie asking if he could come over for a few and he said yes. So Buck got dressed real quick and went over to his house. As soon as he was inside he was met by Eddie shirtless feeding Chris. It was a sight that Buck loved it Eddie looked so hot.

"Oh hey Buck, Chris just fell asleep let me go out him down." Eddie said walking down the hall.

"Okay I'll be here." Buck said almost to quite for even himself to here.

Eddie comes back and sits in the couch. "So what's up." He said turning the TV on.

"Well I have to tell you something, but I don't really know how or how you will feel because of well obvious reasons..." Buck was starting to get really nervous.

"Buck it's okay tell me." Eddie sisd reassuring Buck.

"Okay ummm well...... I like you, I think I you are very nice. I saw you for the very first time while mowing your lawn and that was it. I was in love. Then I saw the girl and I was confused and then she stoped coming around so I was happy and then I saw your cute little kid and how good you were playing outside with him. So when I was on my way over yesterday and I met you at my door, it made me love you even more. Then you cried in my arm for a good 15 minutes you met my family and they all absolutely love you and I can't wait for you to meet the rest of my soon to be coworkers/friends. And I know this is going to be weird since technically I am a minor but my birthday is in 2 months and if you feel the same we can start something then." Buck started crying and he just couldn't stop.

"Omg buck I love you too. I would love to start something and to meet the rest of your friends and I can most definitely wait 2 months for you to be of age." Eddie said hugging Buck.

"Yes okay well I guess we can be "friends" for now. Do you mind if I tell Bobby and Maddie?" Buck asked

"I don't mind I mean they are your family." Eddie replied.

"Okay I'm going to go call them real quick." Buck said stepping outside real quick.

Eddie's POV..

Omg Buck just confessed his feelings for me. I have decided that for his birthday I am going to take him out for dinner and have it be like a date night and then officially ask him to be my boyfriend then.

Bucks POV...

"Hey dad guess what?..........I told Eddie that I loved him and that in 2 months I would like to start dating him.........I know I love you too, have a good rest of shift." I just called Bobby and he was super proud of me.

Now I'm going to call Maddie. "Maddie guess remember Eddie from last night.....well I told him that I  like him and stuff and we are going to start dating in 2 months when I am no longer a minor........ thanks sis I love you." Maddie was thrilled too.

Later that night... Bobby's POV....

I don't know what to wear tonight. I decided to go with just a simple navy tux minis the tie. I told her that I would pick her up at 7 and it is now 6:45 I'm probably going to be late.

"I'm leaving, no funny business there is some leftovers in the fridge, I love you Buck." I call to Buck who is in his room.

"Love you too Bobby have fun and tell me how it goes." Buck called back to me.

I pull into her driveway at 6:59, damn barley made it. I walk up to the door and knock. She answered it and damn that dress that she was wearing showed her baby bump just a bit. It was a nice navy blue dress, that came to about her ankles with some white hair tops, so elegant and hot.

"Great minds think a like don't they. Navy is a nice color on you." Athena said stepping into my cars passenger seat.

"It looks good on you too, and the bump shows off nicely." He said instantly regretting it.

"Oh why thank you, so where are we going." She asked me as we pull out of the driveway.

"We are going to 'Merois'(real restaurant in L.A), it's really pretty especially at night." I said as we pull in.

"Omg it do pretty I love this." She says getting out of the car.

After dinner...

"That was awesome, thank you. Your welcome. Now I have one more place to go and I hope you like it." I say turning the car on.

"What is it?" Ashe asks as I grab her hand with one of my hands, interlocking our fingers and laying them down on her thigh.

"You will see, one hint is we will be wildly overdressed but it will be a great dessert." I say as we pull into the road 'Dairy Queen' is on.

"Omg no way really ice cream. I love ice cream." Athena yells as we pull in.

We walk in hand in hand and we both order and take our seats.

"So be honest was this a good date, I've been out of my game for a while." I ask eating my m and m ice cream.

"It was awesome I love it so much. So you know we talked about me a lot but not you. Well I know what your job is but what is your home life like." She asks eating her plain hot fudge sundae.

"Well um, I have 2 kids. I adopted them when they were 16 and 7. Maddie is the older one and Evan or Buck as we call him is younger. They are 26 and 17 now. Maddie is dating one of my coworkers Chim, and Buck is going to be dating our neighbor in 2 months when he turns of age cause our neighbor Eddie is 20, and has a 10 month old." I say spilling everything.

"Wow that rough I thought that .y life was messy. My ex husband leaving me for a man after I become pregnant with his kid. So you said that Buck is getting together with Eddie, is he gay." Athena asked.

"Um no he is bi and so is Eddie but Eddies parents don't support him so he married a would had his son with her until she died in a car crash 2 months ago. It's rough on him but Buck understands his pain because his and Maddie's parents died in a car crash, that is actually how I met them." I say finishing my ice cream.

"Oh okay well I would love to meet them someday." She says with a smile as we leave.

"Do you need to take you back to your place." I ask getting into the car.

"Um yeah sure, or you know maybe we go to yours, I mean we can't do anything but that can't stop us from not going back to your place." She says taking my hand again.

"I would love that, and you can meet Buck." I say with a smile on my face.

"I can't wait" she says kissing my hand.

I can't wait for her to meet Buck and for him to meet her. We get ho.e and I walk in and call out for Buck.

"Buck we are home." I yell so he can hear me.

"We?" He was coming out of the kitchen.

"Yes we. Um Buck this is Athena, Athena this is my son Buck." I say introducing them to each other.

"Hi Buck it's lovely to meet I have heard a lot about you." Athena says shacking Bucks hand.

"Can't be as much as I have heard about you." He said giving me a wink.

"Oh is that right" Athena says turning back towards me.

"You weren't supposed to say anything Buck, you know you should go to sleep you have school tomorrow." I say looking at Buck

Pulling out his phone he says "Hold that thought Eddie is calling me, goodnight Bobby, love you and Athena I hope to see more of you it was lovely getting to put a face to the name and meet you." He says walking away.

"Don't be a wake to long" I say but he can't hear me.

"He seems nice" Athena says as we go to my bedroom. I grav her some clothes to wear to bed and we get into bed and cuddle she is sleeping in just a couple minutes. I kiss her forehead and fall asleep as well.

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