The adoption process

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2 hours later..

Maddie and Buck got to the police station with about 5 minutes to spare. They found a police officer and asked if Bobby was there yet. Then out of the corner of Bucks eye he saw Bobby and started running towards him.

"Hey Bobby" Buck said giving him a big hug.

"Hey kid, what's up" Bobby said back at him returning the hug.

"I'm good Bobby" Buck said letting go of Bobby.

"That's good to hear bud. How about you Maddie." He said bringing Maddie into a hug as well.

"I'm good too Bobby, thanks" she said hugging him back.

"That's good, well why dont we go and find an officer and see if they can help us start this process." Bobby said smiling at Buck and Maddie.

"Hey Officer Jay, you doing something right now. Or do you think you can help me with something." Bobby said going over to Officer Jay's desk.

"Bobby, what's up man. I would love to help you what's up." Jay said to Bobby.

"Well I don't really know how to say this but I need to know who to go to to try and adopt these kids. I know the police probably wasn't the right choice but I just don't know Jay." Bobby says getting up to leave "You know what I'm going to go figure it out on my own"

"No, no Bobby just wait okay I can call some people and get you the number to call." Jay said back to Bobby making him sit back down.

"Okay, um do you need names or anything" Bobby said sitting back down looking at the kids behind him.

"Um sure what are there names" Jay said pointing to Buck "What's you name bud"

"My name is...." Buck started saying getting a little shy.

"His name is Evan, Evan Buckley, but he likes to be called Buck, and I'm Maddie Buckley." Maddie said holding Bucks hand so he would stop being so anxious and shy.

"Okay well I found you guys in the system. Bobby, the number to call to set up and adoption is ***-***-****." Jay said

"Sounds good, I will call it first thing in the morning"Bobby said looking back at the kids who were smiling. "Do you want me to take you guys home."

"No it's okay Bobby we can walk home, it's not that far" Maddie said taking bucks hand and walking out of the station. "We will see you tomorrow okay same time as today, if that is okay with you.

"Sounds good, see you guys tomorrow." Bobby said calling out to them as they were leaving the station.

The next day..Bobby's POV

I get up bright in early in the morning(7am), so I can call the adoption center at 7:30 as soon as they open the lines. I decided to get a quick breakfast in, so I go downstairs and decide to make myself some pancakes.

I'm watching the time very closely and at 7:29 I get a call from a number I don't recognize. I pick up, "Hello?" I am very confused.

"Hi this is the adoption center, we heard that you would like to adopt 2 kids" the voice on the other phone said.

"Um yes I would, Evan and Maddie Buckley." I say hoping it's good news and I can.

"Okay why don't you stop by later today and we can get all the paperwork done, how does 4pm sound." She asked me

"Well actually I am a firefighter so that won't work for me can it just be tomorrow, I can head over right after my shift, it ends at 10am tomorrow morning." I really hope that's okay.

"Yeah absolutely that works for us, I do have one more question. It says here that you are single is that true." She says making me all sweaty and nervous.

"Um yes I am, is that going to affect this process in any way these kids I have met them and they need someone who is there for them and I know it sounds like I can't be but I can I know I can, please don't let this affect anything." I am on the verge of crying at this point.

"Don't worry Mr. Nash that won't affect you in anyway I promise" she says in a calming tone

"Okay thank you so much. I will see you tomorrow morning" I say ending the call.

I eat and go upstairs to shower and cry. I don't know why I'm crying at this point I am going to be able to adopt these kids but for some reason the tears just continue to fall.

I finally finish so I get dressed and hop in the car to go to work. I get there and it is an easy day only a couple of calls. The kids come around about 3pm, the same time as yesterday.

"Hey Bobby" Buck yelled running towards me and giving me a big hug.

"Hey little dude, guess what." I say to him giving him the tightest hug I have ever given.

"WHATT" Buck pretty much screamed in my ear with excitement.

"You guys don't have school tomorrow right?" I asked just making sure

"No we don't." Maddie said a little confused.

Good cause I want you guys to come with me to sign the adoption papers at the center." I watched as Buck and Maddie's faces just lit up.

"Really, Bobby that's awesome we will be there. What time is it at?" Buck and Maddie said almost in unison.

"10am tomorrow morning" I said happy that they are happy.

"We will be there" Buck said giving Bobby another hug.
Sorry this is a long one..... Part 2 coming soon.

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