More Stuff With Buck

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After we stop for a quick lunch, we stope at the store to pick up the snacks and stuff we need. It didn't take us that long, me and May got a couple more 'Omg she is so cute' or 'Your daughter is so adorable' 's. After we got back into the car I shot a quick text to Eddie.

-Hey babe, we just finished up with the groceries and I have to make one more stop for a present for my sister- Me

-Okay babe, I'll probably start getting ready soon, so we can go when you get back- Eddie

-Okay that works, I love you see you soon 💕- Me

-Love you too 💗, how is May doing?- Eddie

-She is doing good she only screamed once and has been pretty cuddly with me all day not crying, eating her food, playing with my shirt, smiling and laughing. It's been fun- Me

-I bet, you are such a good guy with kids, I can't wait to ha e my kids with you and have a great future with you 😘 😘- Eddie

-😚, omg babe I can't wait either, and thank you. I got to start driving I love you sooo very much- Me

-Love you too- Eddie

I started up the car and decided to go to the mall for something for Maddie. When we got there I picked up May and the carrier, also grabbed the stroller so I didn't have to hold everything. This time May actually wanted to get into the stroller, so I pout her in it and gave her some of her snacks.

We went to 'Bed, Bath, and Body Works' to get Maddie some soaps and hand sanitizers that she loved. The we went to some candle store, bad I got her 2 candles. 1 that smelled like pumpkin, she loves pumpkin, and 1 that smelled like the tropicas. Then I went to this clothing store and bought her a couple cute shirts, and myself some plain shirts. Last stop was the Nike store where I got some new tank tops, Nike socks, some shorts, a couple muscle shirts, and Nike sweats. I also got 2 sweatshirts that Eddie has been asking for for a while now. We go back out to the car, and I see I have a text from Eddie.

-We are over at your house that way we can help you bring stuff in, and we are ready for dinner for when you get here- Eddie

-We just got back in the car, be home in like 30 minutes.- Me

-Sounds good- Eddie

When we get back home Eddie is at the door holding Chris. I get out and get May out, and get out the new clothes and stuff. The 4 of us go inside a sec so we can put the kids down. I toss Eddie the bag that has his sweatshirts in it.

"What's this?" He asks opening the bag.

"It's something that I got for you." He looks at me confused but keeps opening it. When it is fully open he looks at me all happy and excited.

"No way you actually got these for me." He pulled them out and gave me a big hug. "Thank you so much, you didn't have to do that for me, but I know what you are gonna say." He says into my neck.

I wrap my arms around him to tighten the hug and say "Yeah, and what's that."

"I know I didn't have to but you deserve them so much that I just had to get them because I love you." He says still into my neck.

"You were right that's exactly what I was going to say." I said as he finally let go of me. Before he fully pulled away he planted 1 kiss on my neck and then when on my lips, then left to go get the groceries.

Once everything is in the house, I change Mays diaper and Eddie changes Chris. After that we hopped in the car, I was driving per usual while Eddie sat passenger. While I was driving I put my hand on his thigh while my other was on the wheel, I kept stealing glances at him every once in a while to see him smiling ear to ear looking out the window, I have no doubt that he was definitely blushing. When we got to the little diner we decided to go to we each got out a kid and walked in.

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